Butt pain and incontinence

Editor’s note:The Case Challenge series includes symptoms that are difficult to diagnose, some of which are not frequently encountered by most clinicians, but are still important to accurately recognize. Test your diagnostic and treatment skills using the following patient scenarios and corresponding questions. If you have a case you would like to submit for an […]
Can Botox injections help patients? New research suggests Botox may help with fecal incontinence.

Researchers are testing rectal injections of Botox to see if it can help manage fecal incontinence in patients. So far, the results are promising. If future studies prove successful, doctors could offer patients new ways to manage this difficult-to-control condition.[] In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, researchers treated approximately 200 patients with fecal incontinence using […]
Rectal Botox injection improved fecal incontinence and sense of urgency.

A randomized controlled trial showed that injecting botulinum toxin type A (Botox) into the rectum reduces fecal incontinence and urinary urgency. In a modified intention-to-treat analysis of approximately 200 patients, the average number of fecal incontinence and urgency episodes per day in the Botox group decreased from 1.9 at baseline to 0.8 at 3 months […]
Now Goop is promoting butt sex toys for women…experts warn Gwyneth Paltrow’s site is at risk of nasty infections and incontinence

Goop, the wellness brand founded by Gwenyth Paltrow, has entered the sex toy business. The brand has made headlines for promoting misleading health claims and overpriced “useless” products, including vibrators, lubricants, supplements and other toys that cost up to $250. We sell a collection of “Health” products. And while this website’s blog often features unlimited […]
Efficacy of pelvic floor muscle training for post-operative patients with rectal cancer: a systematic review and meta… This study investigated the effectiveness and health-related quality of pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT) for fecal incontinence (FI). The purpose was to evaluate… 3 hours ago

Efficacy of pelvic floor muscle training for post-operative patients with rectal cancer: a systematic review and meta… This study investigated the effectiveness and health-related quality of pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT) for fecal incontinence (FI). The purpose was to evaluate… 3 hours ago
A 59-year-old mother who was butchered with vaginal mesh and continued to struggle with fecal incontinence has been awarded a record £1m settlement, and says ‘I’m not alone’. I have thousands.”

A mother who suffered debilitating pain from vaginal mesh has won a record settlement of at least £1 million from the NHS. Yvette Greenway Mansfield, 59, from Leamington Spa, attended Coventry University in 2009 to treat prolapse, a condition in which the muscles and tissues in the pelvis become weak and organs such as the […]
Managing the active stage of second stage labor and the risk of urinary and anal incontinence

Managing the active phase of second stage labor and the risk of urinary and anal incontinence | Image credit: © geargodz – © geargodz – Stock.adobe.com. According to a recent study published in Not affected. Journal of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Take-out Among women who give birth under epidural analgesia, the risk […]
External Incontinence Device – UF Health

meaning An external incontinence device is a product (or device). These are worn on the outside of the body. Protects the skin from constant leakage of feces and urine. Certain medical conditions can cause loss of bowel or bladder control. alias condom catheter; incontinence device; fecal collection device.Urinary incontinence – device; Fecal incontinence – device; […]
Treatment of urinary and fecal incontinence | Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center

Roswell Park offers sacral nerve stimulation, a ‘life-changing’ technology that helps patients regain control of their bladder and bowel movements Let’s be honest…many people are too embarrassed to report fecal or urinary incontinence (involuntary or accidental leakage of stool or urine) to their doctors. That’s why colorectal surgeon Anthony Duckor, MD, FACS, of Roswell Park […]
Clinical practice guidelines for fecal incontinence (ASCRS, 2023)

Guidelines for the evaluation and management of fecal incontinence have been updated since 2007 and published by the American Society of Colorectal Surgeons (ASCRS) in February 2023. diseases of the colon and rectum. Class I (Strong) recommendations are summarized below. Assessment and risk assessment A thorough medical history will be taken to determine the cause […]