poor stephen colbert. First, he is refraining from broadcasting. writers go on strike, then he contracted COVID-19 and then his appendix burst.The latter is a recent medical emergency The Late Show with Stephen Colbertas the host announced via an Instagram thread on Monday.

“We regret to inform you that we have to cancel this week’s performances,” the statement read. “Steve, you must be thinking ‘turkey overdose’?” Gravy boat capsized? I’m actually recovering from surgery for a ruptured appendix. I am grateful to the doctors who treated me and to Evie and her children for their patience. From now on, all mail to the appendix will be handled by the pancreas. ”

according to deadline, guests scheduled for this week’s evening talk show included Jennifer Garner, Baz Luhrmann, Patrick Stewart, and Kelsey Grammer.Barbra Streisand was reportedly set to star in ‘The Colbert Questionnato’ and her former bandleader Jon Batiste, who was recently nominated for Album of the Year. at the grammy awardswas scheduled to return for an interview and performance.

late show The last hiatus was in October when Colbert contracted COVID-19. Taylor Swift: The Elus Tour Movies in theaters. “Good. I sang, laughed, and screamed along with my fellow Swifties who were excited to come to the theater despite a high fever and loss of taste and smell. And…OK, that’s where I contracted COVID-19. “I got the coronavirus (Taylor’s version),” he joked in a monologue at the time. After performing shows at home for a short period of time, he ultimately canceled his shows for the rest of the week and posted the following: Statement on social media It read: “We regret to inform you that per doctor’s orders we will be closed for the remainder of this week. To go.”

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Mr. Colbert, please get well soon!

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