The hard-partying student believed she had just “gained a little weight” after drinking “almost every night” during her university days, but had no idea she was pregnant until she suddenly gave birth.
In August 2022, 20-year-old Niamh Khan’s life changed forever when she was hospitalized with suspected appendicitis and was discharged with her newborn baby.
The 21-year-old, who lives in York, admitted to binge drinking and smoking throughout her pregnancy, attending festivals and pub hopping without knowing she was pregnant with her son.
The medical assistant said she took at least 10 pregnancy tests because the nausea returned, all with negative results.
A few months later, on the morning of August 9, 2022, the former drama student woke up with severe abdominal pains and was rushed to York Hospital A&E with what he suspected was appendicitis.

Student Niamh Khan (pictured) shows off her flat stomach, which was unknowingly six months pregnant.

A student who is 9 months pregnant.She gained some weight because she was drinking “every night” at parties.

Niamh Khan (pictured) and her surprise baby Liam, who she had no idea she was carrying.he is perfectly healthy
Subsequent tests revealed that Niamh was pregnant with her full-term baby and was in active labor, which she thought was due to the antibiotics interfering with her contraceptive pills. There is.
A few hours later, Niamh gave birth to a healthy 6lb baby, Liam, at 9.30pm.
Niamh, who was studying a foundation degree in drama at Leeds University Center at the time, was in “absolute shock” after giving birth as she believed she had only gained a few extra pounds while at university. he said.
The shocking photo shows Niamh flaunting her flat stomach in a crop top – all while unknowingly showing off her six months’ pregnancy.
Niamh said: “One morning I woke up in great pain. My stomach hurt and I couldn’t move.
“I thought it was my period, but it was the worst period pain I’ve ever had in my life.
“I got up and got dressed. I called my nanna and she called 111 and told me to go to the hospital right away because they thought I had appendicitis.

When Niamh’s nausea returned, she took at least 10 pregnancy tests, all of which came back negative, leading her to believe she was not pregnant.

Eight months pregnant: Not knowing she was pregnant, the student spent nine months drinking, pub hopping and attending festivals.

Niamh said her water broke while she was in hospital and doctors were monitoring her and she thought she was going to pee.

A photo of a student who is 5 months pregnant. I was tested about 10 times and all were negative.
“When I was being observed in the hospital, I actually thought I was going to pee in my bed.
“When I got changed and the nurse came back, she brought a wheelchair and said, ‘You’re in labor.’ I said, ‘No, I can’t do that,’ and she said, ‘ I said, “Yeah, let’s go.”
Niamh’s ‘wetting’ in her hospital bed was actually due to her water breaking, and the student gave birth to a baby boy just six hours later.
Niamh said: “I was really shocked. From the moment she said that, I said, ‘No, this can’t happen to me, there must be another explanation.’
“My life was university and university work. Everything went through my head. I don’t remember anything from the moment I was told I was in labor until I gave birth to Liam. It all started in one place. It became blurry.
“None of us had any idea if he was going to be healthy, if he was going to live or if he was going to get smaller.
“They think he was full-time, but he was three weeks early. He was small when he was born.
“Amazingly, he was perfectly healthy.
“It took me two months to figure it out. I couldn’t believe it.”

The student was hospitalized with suspected appendicitis, but later unexpectedly gave birth to a baby.

Surprise baby: Liam (pictured shortly after birth) came as a shock to Niamh after multiple negative pregnancy tests

‘Too much’: Niamh split from her father four months before the baby’s birth, but says her family helped her with everything.
Niamh split from her baby’s father four months before Liam was born and believed she had a “great family” rallying around her for the first few weeks.
Niamh said: “When Liam came I froze up and my mum took him in. It was too hard for me.” She took on the role and organized everything.
“We had nothing. My sister came and brought the smallest baby growth she could find, diapers, milk, everything we needed and we rushed to the hospital.
“My family was really great. After the baby was born, I moved back in with my mom, which is something I didn’t really want to do – I lived on my own for two years of college – but… I had to do it.”
After finding out she was pregnant, Niamh drank and smoked during the nine months she was at university, and feared she had unknowingly put her baby in harm’s way.
“I was so relieved to hear that he was healthy,” Niamh said. I was drinking. I drank almost every night in college. I went out around 6pm, didn’t get back until 2am, and drank all night.

Niamh panicked over the fact that she had been smoking throughout her pregnancy, but thankfully baby Liam (pictured) is healthy.

Relief: Niamh said she was “panicking”. [she is] I am also a smoker and smoked and drank throughout my pregnancy.
“I was going out about three times a week. About two weeks before I met him, I went to a three-day festival and drank a lot.
“I was panicking because I was also a smoker and had been smoking and drinking all the time.
“Thankfully he was okay.”
Niamh said she took 10 pregnancy tests after complaining of nausea and weight gain in the summer of 2022, all of which came back negative.
Niamh believes the antibiotics she took to treat tonsillitis in November 2021 may have interfered with the effectiveness of the contraceptive pills she takes every day.
Niamh said: “No one told me that these antibiotics could interfere with the tablets. I had no idea.
“In May, I was feeling sick and decided to take a pregnancy test. I felt like it might happen, so I took about 10 pregnancy tests.
“I felt sick, but there was no explanation why I felt sick. All the test results were negative. I just thought it was a diseased bug.”

Happy and healthy: Niamh sees her son Liam (pictured) every day and says: “I can’t believe this happened.”

Niamh, who was on the pill every day when she was pregnant with Liam, said Liam was a “happy, healthy toddler” and “she wouldn’t change anything that happened to her”.

Mother and baby: A photo of Niamh and Liam right after their surprise birth.Her life has changed, but she says nothing will change.
“I didn’t look like I was pregnant, I just looked a little heavier. I didn’t gain that much weight. I went up a dress size, but I looked pregnant.” It wasn’t that bad.
“I faithfully took the pill until the day I gave birth to him.”
Now 17 months old, Niamh said Liam was a happy, healthy toddler and she wouldn’t change anything that happened to her.
“I see him every day and I can’t believe this happened,” Niamh said.
“I can’t change it now.”