Anal cancer is rare in people under the age of 35, with the average age of diagnosis being in the early 60s. According to 2023 data, he has a 1 in 500 risk of being diagnosed with anal cancer.

These numbers are American Cancer Society (ACS).

There are two types of anal cancer: anal canal cancer and perianal skin cancer.

This article explains how likely a person is to develop anal cancer and how to reduce the risk of developing anal cancer.

Anal cancer is relatively rare. It is not as common as colon or rectal cancer, but it affects approximately. 1/500 Americans throughout their lives.

In 2023, ACS will 9,760 New diagnoses of anal cancer are being reported in the United States, and more than 60% of them are in women.

The number of deaths due to anal cancer is estimated to be 1,870, of which 860 are women and 1,010 are men.

The most common type of anal cancer is squamous cell carcinoma.almost 9 out of 10 points An example of anal cancer in the United States is squamous cell carcinoma.

According to data from 2015 to 2019. 30% or more The percentage of patients with anal cancer is between 55 and 64 years old.

be factor Your risk of developing anal cancer may increase. Just because one or a few factors are present doesn’t mean a person will get cancer.

These include:

  • Human papillomavirus (HPV): Squamous cell carcinoma, the most common type of anal cancer, is strongly associated with HPV infection. HPV is transmitted through physical contact. High-risk HPV types, such as HPV-16, are most likely to cause anal cancer.
  • Anal warts: Some subtypes of HPV can cause anal warts. If you are infected with HPV, you are more likely to carry the type that can cause anal cancer.
  • smoking: The more you smoke, the higher your risk of developing anal cancer. Quitting smoking is an effective way to reduce your risk.
  • HIV infection: Having HIV can increase your risk of developing anal cancer compared to uninfected people. HIV weakens immunity. Therefore, people with weakened immune systems, such as those taking drugs that suppress the immune system, are also at risk.
  • Gender and race: white women and black men more at risk They have a higher incidence of anal cancer than other demographics. Researchers aren’t entirely sure why this happens, but Several They theorize that the cause is unequal access to healthcare, lack of education, and lack of awareness.
  • Sexual activity: Practicing sex without using barrier means or having multiple sexual partners increases the chance of developing anal cancer.

The 5-year relative survival rate is an estimate of the number of individuals likely to survive at least 5 years after diagnosis.

However, these are by no means clear-cut, as each case varies greatly.

of National Cancer Institute (NIC) estimates relative survival rates for anal cancer based on Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program stage (SEER stage).

These numbers apply only to the stage of the cancer at the time of diagnosis.

It also doesn’t take into account the patient’s age, general health, or type of anal cancer. A person’s view of their condition may be: Better More than these numbers indicate.

You should discuss your individual case and prospects with your doctor.

There is no surefire way to prevent anal cancer.But there are many things one can do reduce their risk.

  • HPV vaccination: This vaccine protects against some types of HPV, which primarily cause anal cancer and warts.
  • Practice safe sex: Using barrier protection methods, such as condoms, can reduce your risk of contracting HPV and therefore reducing your risk of developing anal cancer. However, it cannot completely prevent the risk, as it cannot completely cover all possible areas of infection.
  • no smoking: If you smoke, quitting significantly reduces your risk of developing anal cancer as well as many other cancers.

Below are frequently asked questions and answers about anal cancer.

Can anal cancer be cured?

Depending on your individual circumstances, anal cancer can occur. hardenable. Many people who are diagnosed are able to go on to live fulfilling lives.

There are many effective treatment options, and your doctor may suggest them alone or in combination.

The main treatment methods include:

How do you get anal cancer?

largely Anal cancer occurs as a result of HPV infection. However, HPV infection does not cause anal cancer.

This happens because some types of HPV produce proteins that block important anti-cancer genes.

People with weakened immune systems are more likely to develop this condition because they are unable to respond to infections such as HPV.

What does anal cancer feel like?

Anal cancer often causes no symptoms.

However, when symptoms occur, the first sign is often anal bleeding.

Other symptoms that anal cancer patients may experience include:

Benign anal tumors can also cause these symptoms.

If you experience any of these symptoms, you should seek advice from a medical professional.

Anal cancer is relatively rare.

It is more common in people aged 54 to 64 and older, and in white women and black men.

It is closely related to HPV, especially HPV-16. If your doctor can detect and diagnose cancer early, you may be able to receive effective treatment and continue living a fulfilling life.

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