Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory bowel disease that can affect any part of the gastrointestinal tract, but most often affects the end of the small intestine (ileum), the colon, or both.

The cause of Crohn’s disease is unknown. But the immune system, genes, and environment may all play a role.

People with Crohn’s disease are also more susceptible to intestinal infections, which can lead to complications.

There is no cure for Crohn’s disease, but effective treatment can help manage symptoms and lead to remission. If Crohn’s disease is not treated, the disease may progress and serious complications may occur.

To be effective, Crohn’s disease treatment must be used consistently. It’s important to continue to eat a healthy diet and continue taking your medications even when you feel well.

Some of the complications associated with untreated Crohn’s disease include:

A bowel obstruction, also known as a bowel obstruction, occurs when the contents of the intestine become partially or completely blocked and become immobile. There are several ways this can happen to people with Crohn’s disease.

  • Inflammation can cause the intestinal walls to thicken and cause the intestinal tract to narrow or close.
  • Strictures can cause intestinal obstruction. A stricture, or stenosis, is an area of ​​the digestive tract that has been narrowed by scar tissue caused by repeated bouts of inflammation.
  • Adhesions, or pieces of fibrous tissue that hold organs and tissues together, can cause blockages in the intestinal tract.

Bowel obstructions can cause severe abdominal pain, and treatment often requires hospitalization.

Less severe cases often resolve with bowel rest (liquid diet), but your doctor may prescribe medication to prevent future recurrences.

More serious cases may require surgery. A surgery called strictureplasty widens the intestine without removing part of it.

Ulcers that completely penetrate the wall of the gastrointestinal tract can form fistulas, which are abnormal connections from the intestines to other parts of the body.

about 1 in 3 people Crohn’s disease causes fistulas.

A fistula in the abdomen can cause food to bypass important areas of the intestine needed for absorption. Fistulas may develop from the intestine to the bladder, vagina, or skin, and intestinal contents may drain into these areas.

If left untreated, an infected fistula can form a life-threatening abscess.

Fistulas must be treated immediately to prevent serious infection. Treatment options include surgery, medication, or a combination of the two.

It is not uncommon for people with Crohn’s disease to develop fissures due to chronic inflammation of the intestinal tract and abnormal bowel movements. An anal fissure is a small tear that forms at the opening of the anus.

Symptoms of anal fissure include pain and bleeding during defecation.

The fissure may reach the internal anal sphincter, the muscle that closes the anus. If this happens, the crack may not heal.

If the anal fissure does not heal within about eight weeks, medication or surgery may be required.

Proper nutrition is very important for health. The gastrointestinal tract is an important site for nutrient absorption. Chronic inflammation in the gut can interfere with the body’s ability to absorb vitamins and minerals from the diet.

Chronic inflammation caused by Crohn’s disease can also suppress appetite. When this happens, you may not be getting the nutrients you need to stay healthy.

There are many serious problems caused by malnutrition, including anemia due to iron and vitamin B12 deficiencies. This is common in people with Crohn’s disease.

Other problems caused by not getting enough nutrients include:

  • Decreased immune system function
  • Poor healing
  • general fatigue and pain
  • weak muscles and bones
  • decreased coordination
  • kidney dysfunction
  • mental problems such as depression

People with Crohn’s disease may develop ulcers, or open sores, that can appear anywhere in the gastrointestinal tract.

These ulcers can be painful and dangerous if they cause internal bleeding. It is also possible for there to be a perforation or hole in the intestinal tract. This can allow digestive contents to enter the abdomen.

In such cases, immediate medical attention is required.

Research shows that up to 50 percent 80% of people with Crohn’s disease develop osteoporosis, which is low bone density.

Crohn’s disease-related problems that contribute to bone weakness include:

  • inflammation
  • impaired absorption of nutrients
  • Physical discomfort prevents activity

Part of the treatment strategy for Crohn’s disease may be to address these issues by taking calcium and vitamin D supplements. Also consider doing weight-bearing exercise on a regular basis.

Your doctor will measure and monitor your bone density. This can be done with a painless dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) test.

Chronic inflammation of the colon associated with Crohn’s disease increases the risk of colon cancer. Inflammation causes a constant turnover of cells in the intestinal lining, increasing the likelihood of abnormalities and cancer.

Below are some of the risk factors for colon cancer in people with Crohn’s disease.

  • 8-10 years of illness history
  • Severe inflammation of the colon
  • Have a family history of colon cancer
  • Diagnosis of Crohn’s disease colitis, a condition that only affects the colon

Colon cancer is highly treatable if detected in its early stages. Ask your doctor how often you should have a colonoscopy to check for colon cancer.

A prolonged inflammatory response in Crohn’s disease can trigger a similar response in joints and tendons, leading to arthritis.

The most common type of arthritis for people with Crohn’s disease is peripheral arthritis. This causes swelling and pain in the large joints of the arms and legs, such as the knees and elbows.

Peripheral arthritis usually does not cause permanent damage to the joints.

In severe cases, the arthritis associated with Crohn’s disease may be treated with anti-inflammatory drugs and corticosteroids.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are generally not recommended because they can irritate the intestinal lining and worsen inflammation.

while 20 percent and 50 percent 80% of people with Crohn’s disease develop small ulcers in the mouth.

The most common type is mild aphthous ulcers, which look like canker sores and can take about two weeks to heal. Although less common, severe aphthous ulcers are large sores that can take up to six weeks to heal.

In severe cases, your doctor may prescribe immunosuppressants or topical steroids to treat canker sores.

One of the most common kidney complications associated with Crohn’s disease is kidney stones. The disease is more common in people with this small intestine disorder than in people without it because fats are not absorbed properly.

When fat combines with calcium, a type of salt called oxalate can reach the kidneys, where stones can form. Symptoms of kidney stones include pain, nausea, vomiting, and blood in the urine.

The usual treatment for kidney stones is to drink more fluids and eat a low-oxalate diet rich in juices and vegetables. If a kidney stone does not pass on its own, it may need to be surgically removed.

Other complications associated with Crohn’s disease include eye and skin problems.

eye pain and itching

about 10% of people Inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn’s disease cause eye problems such as pain and itching.

Uveitis is a painful inflammation of the middle layer of the eye wall and is one of the most common eye complications. Your eye doctor may prescribe eye drops containing steroids to reduce inflammation.

Decreased tear production due to vitamin A deficiency can cause dry eyes, which can be itchy and burning. Artificial tears can help alleviate these symptoms. In severe cases, antibiotics may be prescribed to treat the infection.

skin pain or rash

Skin problems are some of the most common complications of Crohn’s disease.

Skin tags may develop around anal hemorrhoids. These small flaps form when the swelling decreases and the skin thickens. Fecal matter that gets on these skin tags can cause irritation, so it’s important to keep the area clean.

up to 15 percent 80% of people with Crohn’s disease may have sensitive red bumps (erythema nodosum) on their shins, ankles, or arms.

Some people may develop lesions (pyoderma gangrenosum) in the same area of ​​the body. Lesions can be treated with topical ointments or antibiotics.

Another skin problem associated with Crohn’s disease is Sweet syndrome. This is a rare condition that causes fever and painful lesions on the arms, face, and neck. It is usually treated with corticosteroid drugs.

There is no cure for Crohn’s disease, but it is treatable. With consistent, targeted treatment, you can enter remission. Without treatment, chronic inflammation progresses the condition and causes complications.

According to , people with Crohn’s disease have the same life expectancy as people without Crohn’s disease. Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation.

However, some complications of Crohn’s disease, such as colon cancer, fistulas, and intestinal obstructions, can be fatal if left untreated. This is why it is important to see your doctor if you have symptoms of Crohn’s disease.

You should see a doctor if you have the following symptoms:

  • bloody stool
  • abdominal pain
  • Diarrhea symptoms that cannot be cured with over-the-counter medicines
  • Unexplained fever or weight loss

If you have any concerns about your treatment, please consult your doctor. The more information you have, the better equipped you will be to choose the best treatment.

Read this article in Spanish.

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