Circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) assays can detect colorectal cancer (CRC) in blood samples with high specificity and sensitivity, according to a study published in . Annals of Oncology.

ctDNA assays integrate genomics, epigenomics, and fragment-omics. The researchers tested the assay using blood samples taken from two groups of patients.

The first group consisted of 318 patients who participated in a CRC screening program and had a positive fecal immunochemical test (FIT) result. She was the only one of these patients who was ultimately diagnosed with colorectal cancer.

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The second group consisted of 322 patients who were diagnosed with CRC and provided a blood sample before treatment.

The sensitivity of the assay to detect CRC was 93% and the specificity was 90%. In comparison, the researchers noted that fecal occult blood testing using FIT or multitargeted fecal DNA achieved specificity of 86.6% to 94.9%. Although colonoscopy is more specific, the procedure is more invasive, more expensive and carries a risk of complications, they added.

The sensitivity of the ctDNA assay depends on the TNM stage. Sensitivity was 84% ​​for stage I, 94% for stage II, and 96% for stage III (P <.024). The test detected all Stage IV cases, but only two cases.

“[T]”The results of this proof-of-concept study demonstrate the clinical validity of a new multimodal blood-based assay with high accuracy standards,” the researchers wrote.

The researchers added that the test could improve adherence to colorectal cancer screening and screening accuracy, but further studies in larger cohorts are needed.

Disclosure: Some study authors declared affiliations with biotechnology, pharmaceutical, and/or device companies. Please refer to the original reference material for a complete list of disclosures.

Bessa X, Vidal J, Balboa JC, et al. High accuracy of blood ctDNA-based multimodal test for detecting colorectal cancer. Chronicle Oncor. Published online on October 5, 2023. doi:10.1016/j.annonc.2023.09.3113

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