A medical resident at Dartmouth Health’s Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center (DHMC) was recently recognized for his efforts to improve the lives of patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Jamie M. Horrigan, M.D., chief resident in internal medicine, said: Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation New England Chapter As IBD’s 2023 Rising Community Leader.

Mr. Horrigan was honored on August 2 at the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation’s annual “Stories from the Gut” event. She was nominated by members of the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation’s Young Professionals Committee on her Instagram account and blog. natural sweetnessIn , she shares healthy recipes, lifestyle tips, and more to help people with IBD live their healthiest lives. As part of her advocacy work, Horrigan Fundraising activities We donated to the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation and raised $8,000, exceeding our goal of $5,000.

“This recognition means a lot to me because I myself have Crohn’s disease,” said Horrigan, who is applying for a gastroenterology fellowship. “People living with IBD can have a significant symptom burden and have a long way to go before reaching a diagnosis and controlling the disease. There are a lot of people who are interested in incorporating it, and I’m very passionate about it. I became a doctor because I wanted to be able to listen to and care for my patients and advocate for their health. The Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation does incredible work to improve the lives of people living with these diseases, and I am truly honored to be able to contribute to that mission.”

“Dr. Horrigan is already involved in the IBD community in a variety of ways, including patient care, advocacy, research, and philanthropy. She trained as a gastroenterologist, IBD specialist, and researcher. Over the years, he has become an incredibly powerful addition to the IBD field by becoming a specialized academic gastroenterologist and an expert on what it is like to live with Crohn’s disease as a patient himself. ” said Corey A. Siegel, MD, MS, chief of DHMC’s Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology. “We are extremely proud to have her on our team and represent her at Dartmouth Health.”

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