Understanding Hemorrhoids: Symptoms and Treatments

Hemorrhoids, colloquially known as “piles,” are a common but often misunderstood health problem. These swollen blood vessels, which resemble varicose veins, can occur in the anus and rectum. There are two different types of hemorrhoids: external hemorrhoids and internal hemorrhoids, which are classified according to their position relative to the dentate line of the anus.

external and internal hemorrhoids

External hemorrhoids are swellings of blood vessels under the skin around the anus. Symptoms are generally noticeable and include a small lump around the anus, itching, discomfort or pain, and occasional bleeding during bowel movements. Internal hemorrhoids, on the other hand, are swellings of small blood vessels inside the rectum. Because it rarely causes pain, the pain is often not felt. However, tension during BM may reveal symptoms and lead to bleeding and protrusion of the bump.

Symptom identification and management

Identifying the type of hemorrhoid is critical to determining the appropriate treatment. Painless or asymptomatic internal hemorrhoids may not require special treatment. Mild or moderate external hemorrhoids can be managed with home remedies such as hemorrhoid creams and warm baths. However, if you have severe symptoms, it is recommended that you consult your doctor and receive medication or treatment.

medical intervention

Treatments for severe hemorrhoids may include radiofrequency ablation and hemorrhoid banding. Surgery may be suggested, but not all hemorrhoids require surgery, according to the American Association of Colorectal Surgeons. In fact, less than 10% of patients require this medical intervention. Most external and internal hemorrhoids can be effectively managed with a high-fiber diet, plenty of fluids, regular exercise, and home hemorrhoid care.

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