New PET imaging tracers have been proven to safely and effectively detect common cancer gene mutations, which are important molecular markers for tumor-targeted therapies. Identifying this mutation early allows doctors to tailor treatment plans to patients to achieve the best results. The study was published in the December issue of the journal. nuclear medicine journal.

Kirsten rat sarcoma (class) is a commonly mutated cancer gene that is present in approximately 20 to 70 percent of cancer cases.patient class Mutations usually respond poorly to standard treatments. Therefore, the National Comprehensive Cancer Network and other leading cancer research centers recommend assessing the mutational status of cancer patients to determine the most effective treatment.

the current, class Mutation screening relies on biopsies combined with genetic sequencing. However, biopsies can have serious complications, and their use is limited by the quality of the tissue sample. Therefore, accurate and non-invasive assessment methods are urgently needed. class Mutant state. ”

Jing Wang, MD, PhD, nuclear medicine physician at Xijing Hospital, Fourth Military Medical University, Xi’an, China

In this first-of-its-kind study, researchers classWe study targeted radiotracers and investigate their targeting potential in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and colorectal cancer.

PET tracer targeting tumor proteins; 18F-PFPMD was created based on a recently FDA-approved drug classG12C inhibitor. The targeting specificity and imaging capabilities of the tracers were evaluated through both in vitro and in vivo studies. Further evaluation in healthy volunteers, non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients, and colorectal cancer (CRC) patients was also performed.

18F-PFPMD was obtained with high radiochemical yield, radiochemical purity, stability, and was proven to bind selectively. classG12C Proteins in preclinical research. The tracer was found to be safe for humans and rapidly cleared from the gallbladder and intestines. In patients with NSCLC and colorectal cancer, 18F-PFPMD accumulation was significantly higher in the following tumors: classG12C mutations as opposed to those without mutations.

“This study revealed that 18F-PFPMD is a promising molecular imaging tool with important clinical relevance,” said Wang. “From now on, this tracer will classG12C for mutational status, and patient selection. classG12C Targeted therapy. Additionally, it could be used to monitor treatment response and drug resistance in cancer patients. ”

The study was published online in October 2023.


Reference magazines:

Lee, X. other. (2023).First-in-human PET imaging of KRASG12C mutation status in patients with non-small cell lung cancer and colorectal cancer [18F]PFPMD. nuclear medicine journal.

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