A new study has proven that organoid drug tests are highly accurate in predicting effective treatments and uncovered new treatment options.

A world-first study led by scientists at the Walter and Eliza Hall Medical Institute (WEHI) proves that an organoid drug test can predict response to treatment in patients with advanced colorectal cancer with 90% accuracy did.
Colorectal cancer, also known as colorectal cancer, is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide. Colorectal cancer can be successfully treated if detected early, but less than half of patients are diagnosed in the early stages because there are no symptoms. Although the number of treatment options available is increasing, the ability to predict which treatments will be most effective for individual patients is limited.
Co-principal investigator Dr. Peter Gibbs, medical oncologist and director of the WEHI Institute, said the discovery could end the current trial-and-error process of choosing cancer treatments for patients. . “Every time we give a patient a treatment that doesn’t work, he loses two or three months to the treatment that doesn’t work.”
He further explained: “Many patients with advanced colorectal cancer only have one or two chances for treatment. Knowing what will be most effective before they start treatment can improve survival outcomes and improve their lives. It will make a huge difference in quality.”
They grew tumor organoids from 30 patients with advanced-stage colorectal cancer. Tumor organoids mimic characteristics of the cancer for which they were created, such as sensitivity to drug treatment. This allowed researchers to pre-test chemotherapy drugs in clinical feasibility trials. Corresponding author Dr. Oliver Seaver, Associate Professor and Director of the WEHI Institute, commented: “Our study showed that an organoid drug test could predict treatment response in study patients with a remarkable accuracy of 83 percent…Importantly, the pre-test indicated a highly effective treatment.”90 Does not work with precision greater than %. ”
In addition, the scientists used the organoids to test the effectiveness of chemotherapy drugs not typically used for colon cancer patients, and two patient organoids were tested for the effectiveness of chemotherapy drugs commonly used for breast and bladder cancers. I discovered that I am sensitive. Treatment options.
A clinical trial is currently being developed based on the results, and will be the first to test organoid drug testing as an accurate way to support treatment selection in patients with colorectal cancer.
This research cell report medicine.