What is rectal prolapse?

Rectal prolapse is also known as partial prolapse or mucosal prolapse.

The rectum is the lower part of the large intestine that joins the anus. A condition in which the rectum slides out of the anus is called rectal prolapse.

What causes rectal prolapse?

There are several possible causes of rectal prolapse. These include chronic constipation or diarrhea, aging, straining during bowel movements, nerve damage, muscle weakness, and other conditions such as cystic fibrosis.

What are the symptoms of rectal prolapse?

Bloating, pain, bleeding, incontinence, and worsening prolapse are all potential symptoms.

What are the treatment options for rectal prolapse?

Rectal prolapse can often be treated by:

  • Avoid straining when defecating.
  • Avoid sitting on the toilet for long periods of time.
  • Avoid constipation by using laxatives or stool softeners.
  • Press the rectum with your hand to return it to its original position.

After evaluation, surgery may be required to repair the rectal prolapse. It is usually a day surgery and your child can go home the same day as surgery.

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