Appendicitis is a pain I have never experienced before, and I have experienced it twice. I dealt with his first case in September 2022. I decided to take antibiotics instead of surgery. However, if I hadn’t had to wait 15 hours and suddenly be unable to arrange childcare, I would have opted for surgery. In July 2023, my appendicitis returned. Once again, I had to wait an insane amount of time, so I decided to administer antibiotics and scheduled surgery for this September.

The surgery went well. I was told later that it was a struggle to wake up from the anesthesia (I have the IV scar to prove it), but the surgery itself was a success. Recovery was fairly easy. They are, 1 month supply I took oxycodone, but my wife was unable to receive it for me. Instead, I decided to smoke a lot of weed and eat a lot of food. It’s been an amazing week and a half. The situation could have been much worse.

They said they had to wait this long for various reasons. The biggest thing was that my condition was not a “priority emergency.” That is, as long as your appendix doesn’t rupture or rupture, you’ll be fine. The pain of a ruptured appendix is ​​definitely worse than that of simple appendicitis. A ruptured or ruptured appendix can be fatal, and that’s what Stephen Colbert has been dealing with.

Colbert was supposed to have a post-Thanksgiving show full of filler and new topical monologue jokes. Instead, the host had to cancel due to his circumstances. ruptured appendix (Thankfully removed). Now he has postponed the show for another week. Colbert explained: thread“I have listened to the doctor’s advice and am continuing to rest and heal. Thank you for all the well wishes and I will see you again soon.”

Thankfully, Colbert is taking time to recover. I don’t think he’ll use THC to get through this like I did, but I’m going to let that idea live in my head for a while. Appendicitis occurs suddenly and can be very frightening. Just like a sudden health scare, it helps put things into perspective. When I was discharged from the hospital, I didn’t want to work, I just wanted to hug my kids and wife. I’m sure Colbert does the same thing.

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