Anal cancer mortality rate is high in HIV-infected women

HIV-infected people diagnosed with anal cancer, especially women, have lower survival rates after diagnosis, and survival rates for all people diagnosed with anal cancer have not improved significantly in the past 20 years, says US study announced. Lancet HIV I will report it. Anal cancer is a rare cancer caused by oncogenic strains of human […]
Anal sphincter function, anatomy, and complications

The anal sphincter is a group of muscles at the end of the rectum. The rectum is located in the last few inches of the large intestine (colon). The anal sphincter surrounds the anus and controls the release of stool, thereby maintaining incontinence. He has two muscles: the internal anal sphincter and the external anal […]
Anal abscess (boil), its symptoms and treatment

Anorectal boils or abscesses are pus-filled cavities that form within the grooves of the anal canal (called the anal sinuses). Depending on where it occurs, it may also be called an anal abscess, rectal abscess, perianal abscess, or perirectal abscess. Anorectal abscesses are most often caused by the accumulation of bacteria in weak or damaged […]
Breaking the taboo: “No one wants to talk about anal cancer”

“Laure Rolle founded from her hospital bed while undergoing treatment for cancer, which is preventable with the HPV vaccine.” It wasn’t her plan to start a nonprofit advocacy organization to raise awareness about human papillomavirus (HPV), but when Laure Laure was diagnosed with cancer at age 47, she took action. I was motivated to […]
Evaluation of the Seton cutting technique in the treatment of Cureus high anal fistulas Purpose Anal fistulas are a common condition that negatively impacts the quality of life of patients.High anal fistula…3 weeks ago

Evaluation of the Seton cutting technique in the treatment of Cureus high anal fistulas Purpose Anal fistulas are a common condition that negatively impacts the quality of life of patients.High anal fistula…3 weeks ago
Comparison of different surgical treatments for Cureus complex anal fistulas: a systematic review Intraanal anal fistulas are a common anal disease that mainly affects young people and leads to chronic morbidity.What is hemorrhoid fistula…August 23, 2022

Comparison of different surgical treatments for Cureus complex anal fistulas: a systematic review Intraanal anal fistulas are a common anal disease that mainly affects young people and leads to chronic morbidity.What is hemorrhoid fistula…August 23, 2022
Oncolytics Biotech Inc. Announces Anal Cancer Cohort of Peraleolep and Atezolizumab Goblet Phase 1/2 Clinical Trial Meets Efficacy Criteria – November 9, 2023, 7:01 a.m. EST

Oncolytics Biotech Inc. announces positive interim results from the Phase 1/2 GOBLET trial evaluating the combination of perolep and atezolizumab in second-line patients with unresectable anal canal squamous cell carcinoma, led by Dirk Arnold, MD. It was announced that it was announced. Director of the Asklepios Oncology Center in Hamburg and principal investigator of the […]
3 myths about anal cancer debunked

Anal cancer is a fairly rare type of cancer that occurs in the anus and anal canal. Approximately 8,000 people are diagnosed with anal cancer each year in the United States. Anal cancer can be successfully treated if detected early. Unfortunately, there are many superstitions regarding anal cancer.We spoke to a gastrointestinal radiation oncologist Dr. […]
Oncolytics Announces Anal Cancer Cohort of GOBLET Phase 1/2 Study of Peralolep and Atezolizumab Meets Efficacy Success Criteria

Data for the combination of peralolep and atezolizumab exceeds previous controlled trials with an objective response rate of 37.5%, including complete responses. SAN DIEGO and CALGARY, Alberta, Nov. 9, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Oncolytics Biotech® Inc. (NASDAQ: ONCY) (TSX: ONC), an oncology-focused clinical-stage immunotherapy company, today announced that gave a presentation on intermediate therapeutic drugs. Results […]
Managing the active stage of second stage labor and the risk of urinary and anal incontinence

Managing the active phase of second stage labor and the risk of urinary and anal incontinence | Image credit: © geargodz – © geargodz – According to a recent study published in Not affected. Journal of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Take-out Among women who give birth under epidural analgesia, the risk […]