Can Salmonella typhi cause acute appendicitis? | Article Salmonella typhi, commonly known for causing typhoid fever, is recognized as a bacterium responsible for a wide range of gastrointestinal illnesses. …1 day ago

Can Salmonella typhi cause acute appendicitis? | Article Salmonella typhi, commonly known for causing typhoid fever, is recognized as a bacterium responsible for a wide range of gastrointestinal illnesses. …1 day ago
Preoperative chemoradiotherapy completely cures 10-15% of rectal cancers < Hospital < Article

Due to the nature of rectal cancer compared to colon cancer, preoperative “chemoradiotherapy” is now commonly used to treat patients with advanced rectal cancer, with 10-15% of patients suffering from cancer. The patient has achieved “complete remission,” in which the symptoms completely disappear. . (Credit: Getty Images) Unlike colon cancer, rectal […]
Is Cureus appendiceal diverticulitis similar to acute appendicitis? | Article Appendiceal diverticulitis (AD) is a rare entity characterized by inflammation of the developed appendiceal diverticulum. 2 days ago

Is Cureus appendiceal diverticulitis similar to acute appendicitis? | Article Appendiceal diverticulitis (AD) is a rare entity characterized by inflammation of the developed appendiceal diverticulum. 2 days ago
Dartmouth Health Physician Recognized as a Mentor by Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation | News Article

A medical resident at Dartmouth Health’s Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center (DHMC) was recently recognized for his efforts to improve the lives of patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Jamie M. Horrigan, M.D., chief resident in internal medicine, said: Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation New England Chapter As IBD’s 2023 Rising Community Leader. Mr. Horrigan was honored on […]