Pediatric anal self-cutting juvenile rectal polyps: considerations in the differential diagnosis of childhood rectal prolapse. The most common symptom is painless rectal bleeding (which can be severe), but prolapse of rectal polyps from the anus has been reported. …July 3, 2023

Pediatric anal self-cutting juvenile rectal polyps: considerations in the differential diagnosis of childhood rectal prolapse. The most common symptom is painless rectal bleeding (which can be severe), but prolapse of rectal polyps from the anus has been reported. …July 3, 2023
Rectal Bleeding – UF Health

meaning Rectal bleeding is when blood flows out of the rectum or anus. There may be blood in the stool or blood on the toilet paper or toilet. The blood may turn bright red. The term “hematochezia” is used to describe this finding. alias Rectal bleeding; blood in the stool.Blood in the stool; lower gastrointestinal […]
Isolated rectal ulcer syndrome in patients presenting with lower gastrointestinal bleeding: experience at a tertiary care hospital.

specialty Please chooseI’m not a medical professional.Allergy and immunologyanatomyanesthesiologyCardiac, thoracic, and vascular surgerycardiologyCritical caredentalDermatologyDiabetes and endocrinologyemergency medical careepidemiology and public healthRegular medicineForensic medicineDepartment of GastroenterologyGeneral medical treatmentgeneticsgeriatric medicinemedical policyHematologyHIV/AIDShospital-based medical careI’m not a medical professional.InfectionIntegrative medicine/complementary medicineInternal medicineInternal medicine/pediatricsMedical education and simulationmedical physicsmedical studentnephrologyneurosurgeryneurologynuclear medicinenutritionObstetrician and gynecologistoccupational healthoncologyophthalmologyoptometryOral medicineorthopedic surgeryosteopathic medicineOtorhinolaryngologypain managementpalliative carePathologyPediatricspediatric surgeryPhysical therapy […]
Rectal bleeding is often ignored. Here’s why it’s dangerous.

comment on this storycomment Add to saved stories keep Many people see blood in the toilet when defecating but do nothing. largely I won’t even tell the doctor. Bleeding during bowel movements (also called rectal bleeding) has several causes, some of which are more concerning than others. However, the increasing number of cases of colorectal […]
Bleeding hemorrhoids: treatment etc.

hemorrhoids It occurs when the veins and blood vessels in the anus or lower rectum become swollen and inflamed due to pressure. Approximately 40% of hemorrhoid patients have no symptoms. For symptomatic internal hemorrhoids, the most commonly reported symptom is bleeding. In most cases, hemorrhoids can be treated at home, but more severe cases may […]