Atrophic gastritis, but not Helicobacter pylori infection, may be an independent risk factor for colorectal polyps: a retrospective study in China BMC Gastroenterology Department

Bray F, Ferlay J, Soerjomataram I, Siegel R, Torre L, Jemal A. 2018 global cancer statistics: GLOBOCAN estimates worldwide incidence and mortality rates for 36 cancers in 185 countries doing. Cancer J Clinic. 2018;68(6):394–424. article Google Scholar Haumaier F, Sterlacci W, Vieth M. Histological and molecular classification of gastrointestinal polyps. Best Pract Res Clin Gastrointestinal […]
Milligan-Morgan hemorrhoidectomy combined with non-Doppler hemorrhoid artery ligation for the treatment of grade III/IV hemorrhoids: a single-center retrospective study | BMC Gastroenterology

Many treatments are currently available for hemorrhoids, including conservative treatment, instrumental treatment, and surgical treatments such as hemorrhoidectomy, stapled hemorrhoidectomy (SH), and Doppler-guided/assisted HAL. [14,15,16]. Although MMH has obvious postoperative pain, secondary bleeding, long recovery period, and other disadvantages, MMH is grade III/ It remains the preferred surgical method for patients with IV hemorrhoids. [17,18,19]. […]
Perianal Ultrasonography (PAUS): Sphincter Visualization and Comparison with Digital Rectal Examination (DRE) in Women | BMC Women’s Health

In the 35 women who participated in this study, perianal ultrasound (PAUS) was a reliable means of diagnosing anorectal function and disorders. Reproducibility of PAUS volumes was good, allowing two independent examiners to perform her PAUS examination with similar her 3D/4D volumes. Her EAS and IAS sphincter thicknesses on PAUS showed differences between the 6 […]