A Kitchener, Ont., mother is angry after her teenage boy waited in a hospital ER twice and took 19 hours before undergoing surgery for appendicitis.

Julia Marotte says she’s upset that it took her 19 hours, including waiting in emergency rooms at two hospitals in Kitchener, Ont. She — to take care of her teenage daughter Angelina, who was suffering from appendicitis. “I think any parent can understand that feeling of wanting to do something better for your child and […]
Davey Boy Smith Jr. undergoes emergency surgery for appendicitis and diverticulitis.

Davey Boy Smith Jr. has given an update on his health. On Thursday, Major League Wrestling announced that Davey Boy Smith Jr. will miss MLW Slaughterhouse and has been placed on injured reserve. Smith Jr. was scheduled to challenge Alex Cain for the MLW World Heavyweight Title. Related article IMPACT on AXS TV (2023/10/19) Results: […]