New stool test could detect more colon cancers sooner

By Carol Tanzer Miller HealthDay Reporter Monday, February 12, 2024 Dutch researchers have developed a new stool test that appears to be able to detect colon polyps more accurately than current tests. “Current tests work well, but there is still room for improvement,” said Dr. Gerrit Mayer, lead researcher at the Netherlands Cancer Institute in […]
Vaccines targeting KRAS in pancreatic and colorectal cancers show promise

A new vaccine shows promising early results as an off-the-shelf treatment for certain patients with pancreatic or colorectal cancer, according to a study co-led by researchers at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSK). It is said that it shows.This vaccine targets tumors with mutations (or changes) in the KRAS gene, which is the driving force […]
Preoperative chemoradiotherapy completely cures 10-15% of rectal cancers < Hospital < Article

Due to the nature of rectal cancer compared to colon cancer, preoperative “chemoradiotherapy” is now commonly used to treat patients with advanced rectal cancer, with 10-15% of patients suffering from cancer. The patient has achieved “complete remission,” in which the symptoms completely disappear. . (Credit: Getty Images) Unlike colon cancer, rectal […]
Health disparities in HPV-related cancers

Almost everyone gets it, but human papillomavirus (HPV) At some point in their lives, some populations are significantly more likely to develop HPV-related cancers. These differences in cancer incidence and mortality are an example of health disparities and can have significant impacts on individuals, families, and entire communities. Ethnic minorities, especially black women, are disproportionately […]
Verywell HealthCan I get the HPV vaccination even if I’m not a teenager? Gardasil 9 protects against HPV-related cancers and complications.Recommended for young teens who are not yet sexually active, research shows…3 days ago

Verywell HealthCan I get the HPV vaccination even if I’m not a teenager? Gardasil 9 protects against HPV-related cancers and complications.Recommended for young teens who are not yet sexually active, research shows…3 days ago