Rectal Prolapse | Children’s Mercy Kansas City

What is rectal prolapse? Rectal prolapse is also known as partial prolapse or mucosal prolapse. The rectum is the lower part of the large intestine that joins the anus. A condition in which the rectum slides out of the anus is called rectal prolapse. What causes rectal prolapse? There are several possible causes of rectal […]
KTVN Ask the Doctor: Treating Appendicitis | Ask the Doctor | When Kristen Remington landed in New York City on vacation, the last place she planned on sightseeing was inside a hospital. 6 days ago

KTVN Ask the Doctor: Treating Appendicitis | Ask the Doctor | When Kristen Remington landed in New York City on vacation, the last place she planned on sightseeing was inside a hospital. 6 days ago