National newscaster visits Cleveland for family campaign to prevent misdiagnosis

CLEVELAND, Ohio (WOIO) – Two years ago, CNN news anchor Jake Tapper almost lost his then-14-year-old daughter Alice. “Alice became very ill, was misdiagnosed as having appendicitis, and almost died from sepsis due to the misdiagnosis,” Tapper said. “I felt so helpless,” Alice’s mother Jennifer Tapper said. “But I was already at the children’s hospital […]
Foods that may lower your risk of colon cancer – Cleveland Clinic

If what you eat determines your body, it’s important to eat healthily. Cleveland Clinic is a nonprofit academic medical center. Advertising on our site helps support our mission. We do not endorse any non-Cleveland Clinic products or services.policy If you are at high risk of developing the disease colon cancer, certain lifestyle habits can help […]