MSK’s rectal cancer clinical trial changed everything for patients

“I always dreamed of having a big family.” For Kelly Spill, learning that she has rectal cancer didn’t just mean facing a potentially life-threatening disease. The diagnosis also threatened many of the things she valued most in life. Kelly was diagnosed at age 28, just months after giving birth to her son Jace. She and […]
Clinical practice guidelines for fecal incontinence (ASCRS, 2023)

Guidelines for the evaluation and management of fecal incontinence have been updated since 2007 and published by the American Society of Colorectal Surgeons (ASCRS) in February 2023. diseases of the colon and rectum. Class I (Strong) recommendations are summarized below. Assessment and risk assessment A thorough medical history will be taken to determine the cause […]
Ride Cincinnati supports UC clinical trial to help anal cancer patients

Jordan Calofa, MD, a physician and scientist at the University of Cincinnati Cancer Center, has been searching for better ways to treat anal cancer patients for nearly a decade. Anal cancer is still considered a rare disease, even though its incidence is increasing. “This is considered one of the most difficult cancers to treat patients,” […]