CAD-assisted colonoscopy and advanced adenoma

October 10, 2023written by Sharon Reynolds Computer-assisted detection can help doctors performing colonoscopies find more polyps, but it doesn’t necessarily find the tumors most likely to progress to cancer. Credit: iStock Artificial intelligence (AI) is suddenly everywhere. From ChatGPT to automated customer service “agents,” computers’ ability to perform increasingly complex tasks is transforming society. AI […]

How often should I have a colonoscopy?

It is important to undergo a colonoscopy to test for colorectal cancer. But how often you should get a colonoscopy depends on several different factors. Current guidelines recommend that people at average risk for colorectal cancer have their first colonoscopy at age 45. If no polyps are found, he won’t need another colonoscopy for another […]

If a colonoscopy reveals diverticulosis, hemorrhoids, or both

Most of the time you won’t even notice they are there. However, if circumstances change, home remedies are often helpful. Image: © ttsz, JFalcetti/Thinkstock After my last colonoscopy, I received the good news that there was no cancer or precancerous polyps. But with the good news came another discovery. Although he has no symptoms, he […]