Brain-gut connection explains why integrative therapy can help alleviate digestive disorders

Throughout the 20th century, medicine has become very good at breaking down the different systems of the body to better understand them. However, today we are becoming increasingly aware that the various systems of the body are interconnected and cannot be fully understood in isolation. The brain-gut connection is one very important example of this […]
Probiotic BG01-4 reduces constipation and discomfort in digestive disorders

A double-blind randomized controlled trial (RCT) investigated the efficacy of an inactivated proprietary strain. Bacillus subtilisRich in branched chain fatty acids (BCFA) (BG01-4) was used to treat self-reported FGID and placebo in 67 participants over a 4-week period. The Australian and US authors concluded: “BG01-4 intake was well tolerated and reduced symptoms of constipation and […]