Analysis of the hospital cost impact of diverticular disease: Evaluation of inpatient and outpatient laboratory and surgical procedures.

background Diverticular disease (DD) is a common disease in Italy and other Western countries [1‐3]. The prevalence of diverticulosis in the general population is thought to be approximately 27% and increases with age. [4]. Nevertheless, we could not find much documented data in the literature regarding the impact of DD on health system costs and […]
Inherited genes are associated with increased risk of intestinal diverticular disease

Researchers at the University of Queensland have used genetics to show that much of the risk of developing a common and sometimes fatal bowel disease is inherited. Dr Yeda Wu and Professor Naomi Ray from the UQ Institute of Molecular Biosciences are investigating the role of intestinal diverticular disease (DivD), an overlooked and under-studied disease […]
CUREUS Diverticular abscess complicating pregnancy at 18 weeks of gestation in a 30-year-old woman: a case report The combination of pregnancy and diverticulitis is extremely rare, and the management of recurrent and complicated diverticulitis can be difficult.

CUREUS Diverticular abscess complicating pregnancy at 18 weeks of gestation in a 30-year-old woman: a case report The combination of pregnancy and diverticulitis is extremely rare, and the management of recurrent and complicated diverticulitis can be difficult.
Eubiotic effects of rifaximin are associated with reduced abdominal pain in symptomatic uncomplicated diverticular disease: results of an observational cohort study | BMC Gastroenterology

To our knowledge, this study is the first to evaluate the long-term (i.e., 6 months) effects of rifaximin on the gut microbiota of SUDD patients. Here we show that rifaximin significantly reduced the severity of abdominal pain, which is consistent with previous studies. [9,10,11,12]. Treatment with rifaximin over 6 months was not associated with significant […]
Cureus Diverticular disease and diverticulitis: epidemiology, pathophysiology, and current treatment trends Diverticular disease is a common surgical condition, especially in Western countries.Its existence is well known in Asian countries…August 8, 2023

Cureus Diverticular disease and diverticulitis: epidemiology, pathophysiology, and current treatment trends Diverticular disease is a common surgical condition, especially in Western countries.Its existence is well known in Asian countries…August 8, 2023
Diverticular disease: symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment

Diverticular disease is a condition that can occur in any part of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. However, it is most common in the sigmoid colon (the S-shaped part of the intestine), where about 95% of patients with diverticulosis develop it. In diverticular disease, or diverticulosis, pouches called diverticula form in weak areas of the lining […]