Right-sided diverticulitis: a rare cause of right-sided abdominal pain

specialty Please chooseI’m not a medical professional.Allergy and immunologyanatomyanesthesiologyCardiac, thoracic, and vascular surgerycardiologyCritical caredentalDermatologyDiabetes and endocrinologyemergency medical careepidemiology and public healthRegular medicineForensic medicineDepartment of GastroenterologyGeneral medical treatmentgeneticsgeriatric medicinemedical policyHematologyHIV/AIDShospital-based medical careI’m not a medical professional.InfectionIntegrative medicine/complementary medicineInternal medicineInternal medicine/pediatricsMedical education and simulationmedical physicsmedical studentnephrologyneurosurgeryneurologynuclear medicinenutritionObstetrician and gynecologistoccupational healthoncologyOphthalmologyoptometryOral medicineorthopedic surgeryosteopathic medicineOtorhinolaryngologypain managementpalliative carePathologyPediatricspediatric surgeryPhysical therapy […]
Foods to avoid to reduce and prevent diverticulitis

Research has shown that diet can influence the likelihood of developing diverticulitis. Certain foods can worsen or improve symptoms such as abdominal discomfort, constipation, diarrhea, and gas. Specific dietary recommendations vary depending on your symptoms or whether you are trying to prevent diverticulitis from recurring. A healthy diet rich in fiber can help prevent or […]
Coexistence of Cureus Acute Appendicitis and Sigmoid Diverticulitis In recent years, due to modern lifestyle and diagnostic improvements, cases of acute diverticulitis have increased significantly. …2 days ago

Coexistence of Cureus Acute Appendicitis and Sigmoid Diverticulitis In recent years, due to modern lifestyle and diagnostic improvements, cases of acute diverticulitis have increased significantly. …2 days ago
Davey Boy Smith Jr. undergoes emergency surgery for appendicitis and diverticulitis.

Davey Boy Smith Jr. has given an update on his health. On Thursday, Major League Wrestling announced that Davey Boy Smith Jr. will miss MLW Slaughterhouse and has been placed on injured reserve. Smith Jr. was scheduled to challenge Alex Cain for the MLW World Heavyweight Title. Related article IMPACT on AXS TV (2023/10/19) Results: […]
A rare case of diverticulitis with a Cureus colo-appendageal fistula In the United States, diverticulitis is a very common cause of hospitalization and fistula formation is a common complication. .1 day ago

A rare case of diverticulitis with a Cureus colo-appendageal fistula In the United States, diverticulitis is a very common cause of hospitalization and fistula formation is a common complication. .1 day ago
Photo of fecal diverticulitis: changes in bowel movements

Diverticulitis can affect bowel movements. When stool gets trapped in the intestinal sacs (diverticula), it can cause inflammation and infection, resulting in diverticulitis. Diverticulitis can cause symptoms such as constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain, fever, and nausea. This article describes how diverticulitis affects the digestive system, what changes it can cause in bowel movements, its symptoms, […]
Diverticulosis and diverticulitis: what you need to know

Diverticulosis and diverticulitis are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract that have a common feature: diverticula, a term that refers to small pouches in the lining of the intestines. diverticular disease A general term for conditions involving diverticula. Diverticula are small sacs or sacs that develop within the intestinal tract. Diverticula can develop anywhere in the […]
Foods to eat with diverticulitis: treatment and prevention

What you eat can play a role in both preventing diverticular disease and treating recurrence of diverticular disease. diverticulitis. Diverticular disease causes small bulges or sacs called diverticula to develop in the large intestine (colon). There may be no symptoms. When diverticula become infected or inflamed, the condition is called diverticulitis. Recommended diets vary depending […]
Cureus Diverticular disease and diverticulitis: epidemiology, pathophysiology, and current treatment trends Diverticular disease is a common surgical condition, especially in Western countries.Its existence is well known in Asian countries…August 8, 2023

Cureus Diverticular disease and diverticulitis: epidemiology, pathophysiology, and current treatment trends Diverticular disease is a common surgical condition, especially in Western countries.Its existence is well known in Asian countries…August 8, 2023
Diverticulitis symptoms: back pain and treatment

Low back pain is not a common symptom of simple diverticulitis. If you have diverticulitis and are experiencing lower back pain, it may be due to another cause or you may be experiencing complications. As we get older, diverticular disease becomes more common. “Diverticulosis” is a term used to describe cases where there are diverticula […]