Activity levels of four genes related to severity diagnosis of pediatric appendicitis

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain A multi-institutional team of medical researchers has discovered that measuring the activity of four specific genes in pediatric patients with suspected appendicitis can predict whether the disease is simple or perforated.among them studyreported in the magazine JAMA PediatricsThe research group studied gene expression signatures in children diagnosed with appendicitis and took […]
Activity of four genes could be key to rapid diagnosis of appendicitis

Doctors could use different patterns of gene activity in blood to more quickly diagnose and treat children with life-threatening diseases appendicitisnew research suggests. These genetic measurements could help doctors distinguish between so-called simple and complicated appendicitis in the early stages of the disease, the researchers say, published Monday (February 19) in the journal It was […]
Inherited genes are associated with increased risk of intestinal diverticular disease

Researchers at the University of Queensland have used genetics to show that much of the risk of developing a common and sometimes fatal bowel disease is inherited. Dr Yeda Wu and Professor Naomi Ray from the UQ Institute of Molecular Biosciences are investigating the role of intestinal diverticular disease (DivD), an overlooked and under-studied disease […]
Genes play an important role in fetal development

Image: Blue staining shows that it is formed primarily in the head, brain, heart, gastrointestinal tract, and fins. view more Credit: Photo: Dr. Kolvenbach and Dr. Dworschak / University of Bonn An international study led by the University of Bonn’s Faculty of Medicine has identified a gene that plays a key role in human fetal […]
Aspirin found to activate defense genes

Salicylic acid inhibits CRC cell viability and proliferation independently of p53. a Cell viability of HCT116 cells was determined by MTT assay after treatment with indicated concentrations of salicylate for 48 h. I C50 Based on changes in viability, determined using GraphPad Prism. B Cell viability of non-transformed CCD-18-Co and HCEC-1CT cells was determined by […]