To investigate interobserver agreement among endoscopists to grade the morphology and predict histopathology of colorectal lesions in patients with inflammatory bowel disease.

August 19, 2023 Patients diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) are at increased risk of colorectal cancer. To detect precancerous or cancerous polyps early in these patients, current guidelines recommend starting surveillance colonoscopy after 8 to 10 years. IBD Every 1-2 years after diagnosis. Background mucosal inflammation in patients IBD Colorectal lesions can be difficult […]
Comparison of available C-type partial stapled hemorrhoidopexy (C-PSH) and circular stapled hemorrhoidopexy (CSH) in patients with grade IV hemorrhoids: a retrospective cohort study | BMC Gastroenterology

In this study, long-term results showed that the hemorrhoid recurrence rates in the C-PSH and CSH groups were similar, and constipation was an independent prognostic factor for recurrence. The C-PSH group had the advantage of reduced fecal urgency, pain during the first bowel movement after surgery, and major complications. However, in the C-PSH group, the […]
Milligan-Morgan hemorrhoidectomy combined with non-Doppler hemorrhoid artery ligation for the treatment of grade III/IV hemorrhoids: a single-center retrospective study | BMC Gastroenterology

Many treatments are currently available for hemorrhoids, including conservative treatment, instrumental treatment, and surgical treatments such as hemorrhoidectomy, stapled hemorrhoidectomy (SH), and Doppler-guided/assisted HAL. [14,15,16]. Although MMH has obvious postoperative pain, secondary bleeding, long recovery period, and other disadvantages, MMH is grade III/ It remains the preferred surgical method for patients with IV hemorrhoids. [17,18,19]. […]