Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month (March 2024) – District Health Department 10

Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month – March 2024 important facts by Colorectal Cancer Alliance: Screening is the most important way to prevent or detect this disease early when it is most treatable. If detected early, the survival rate for colorectal cancer is 90%. Colorectal cancer is the second deadliest cancer in the United States. However, it […]
Why this colorectal surgeon takes a daily fiber supplement. | Novant Health

Dr. Wii Sun He spends his workday talking about topics that most people actively avoid. As a colorectal surgeon, he talks about and treats “toilet problems.” He treats diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease, anorectal disease, colon cancer, and rectal cancer. He is trained to use his da Vinci robot in surgeries, but we spoke […]
“Pancreatitis: A Comprehensive Guide to Symptoms, Risk Factors, and Prevention Strategies | Dr. Himanshu Yadav”
Introduction Pancreatitis, an inflammation of the pancreas, is a condition that demands attention due to its potential severity and lasting impact on health. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the nuances of pancreatitis, shedding light on its symptoms, risk factors, prevention strategies, and expert insights provided by Dr. Himanshu Yadav. Understanding Pancreatitis The pancreas, […]
VCU Health leads clinical trial of new treatment to help people with bowel control issues

olivia torani A research team at VCU Health is leading a clinical trial evaluating new treatments for fecal incontinence and sudden loss of bowel control. The treatment involves implanting a bioengineered sphincter muscle derived from the patient’s natural cells to help the patient regain control of his or her bowels. The transplant surgery for the […]
Health crisis hidden in modern diet and lifestyle

In a country grappling with growing health issues, diverticular disease has emerged as an important, but often overlooked, factor. This is a disease that is divided into two main types: diverticulosis and diverticulitis, and its effects range from discomfort to life-threatening complications. In this context, it is undeniable that colorectal health is directly linked to […]
What is colorectal cancer? Understand, detect and manage the global health concern

Colorectal cancer is a pressing global health problem that affects the colon and rectum. Critical insights into its signs, symptoms, and treatments are crucial for early detection and effective management. Here, we delve into the complexities of colorectal cancer and educate people about this widespread and preventable disease. Understanding colorectal cancer signs and symptoms Risk […]
Reclaim your life with IBD treatment | UCI Health

In 2009, Leslie Ewins’ health suddenly deteriorated. Her entire gastrointestinal tract rebelled, and diarrhea, pain, and nausea dominated her daily life. Her nails became brittle, her hair began to fall out, and she battled constant fatigue. “I had no idea what was going on,” she says. In 2009, Leslie Ewins’ health suddenly deteriorated. Her entire […]
Giving thanks to Crohn’s disease patients | UCI Health

Dave Webster enjoys being able to eat whatever he wants, go on long hikes, and live a life free of debilitating inflammatory bowel disease. Photo by Michael Nevaux of UCI Health David Webster has endured increasingly painful inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) for 20 years. In 2009 he had his colon removed and in 2020 he […]
Revealing the Enigma of Esophageal Manometry: An In-Depth Exploration
In the ever-evolving landscape of medical diagnostics, Esophageal Manometry emerges as a powerful tool, providing crucial insights into the functioning of the esophagus. This article aims to demystify Esophageal Manometry, exploring its significance, applications, and the detailed process involved in this diagnostic procedure. What is Esophageal Manometry? Esophageal Manometry is a diagnostic test designed to […]
The appendix plays a hidden role in gut health: shots

Heather Smith is an evolutionary anatomist who studies the fossil record of extinct species. Her sudden appendectomy in her childhood made her interested in what the appendix is for and why it becomes inflamed. heather smith hide caption toggle caption heather smith Heather Smith is an evolutionary anatomist who studies the fossil record of extinct […]