Solving the relationship between HIV and cancer – InventUM

Posted by: Lisette Hilton December 1, 2023 | 6 minutes read | share Dr. Sylvester takes steps to minimize cancer risk for high-risk HIV patients through education, screening, and early detection. People infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) can significantly control its devastating health effects and live longer with approved antiretroviral therapies. However, effective control […]

Screening and early treatment for anal cancer in people with HIV infection

According to research presented at the conference, people living with HIV who receive topical trichloroacetic acid are about as likely to experience improvement or resolution of precancerous anal cell changes as those who receive electrocautery. patients, but were less likely to experience pain or other side effects. European AIDS Conference (EACS 2023).Another study published in […]

How Black Men Living with HIV and Anal Cancer Get the Best Treatment

There may also be practical issues such as transportation. This can be especially problematic if you live far from major medical centers and rely on public transportation. The standard treatment for early stages of anal cancer is a daily combination of radiation therapy and chemotherapy, but some people have difficulty incorporating it into their daily […]