Effectiveness of Bifocal Magnification on Confidence Level of Optical Diagnosis of Cureus Small Colorectal Polyps Background and Purpose It is very important to achieve accurate real-time optical diagnosis of colorectal polyps with reliable prediction…7 by the time

Effectiveness of Bifocal Magnification on Confidence Level of Optical Diagnosis of Cureus Small Colorectal Polyps Background and Purpose It is very important to achieve accurate real-time optical diagnosis of colorectal polyps with reliable prediction…7 by the time

Genes play an important role in fetal development

Image: Blue staining shows that it is formed primarily in the head, brain, heart, gastrointestinal tract, and fins. view more Credit: Photo: Dr. Kolvenbach and Dr. Dworschak / University of Bonn An international study led by the University of Bonn’s Faculty of Medicine has identified a gene that plays a key role in human fetal […]

Cureus Bouldin Treatment Induces Cytotoxicity in Human Colorectal Cancer and Osteosarcoma Cells Introduction Cancer continues to be a major health problem worldwide, and colorectal cancer (CRC) stands out as one of the most important. . …19 hours ago

Cureus Bouldin Treatment Induces Cytotoxicity in Human Colorectal Cancer and Osteosarcoma Cells Introduction Cancer continues to be a major health problem worldwide, and colorectal cancer (CRC) stands out as one of the most important. . …19 hours ago