Rectal prolapse: Innovative technique for rectal prolapse: KGMU surgeon’s easy treatment | Lucknow News

LUCKNOW: Surgeons at King George Medical University (KGMU) may offer new hope to patients suffering from the following conditions: rectal prolapsein which part of the rectum protrudes outward.This innovative technology has been successfully applied to 100 patients and has been recognized within KGMU, where it was recently awarded the Best Research Paper Award.Professor Abhijit Chandra, […]
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by Market-first orientation.Net sales.Net income.Total assets.consumption tax.Other income/income.raw materials.Power & amp fuel.employee costs.PBDIT.interest.Tax.EPS.investment.various debtors.Cash/Bank.stock.debt.Contingent Liabilities. screen critical Abrasiveaerospace and defenseAgricultureair conditionerAirlinesaluminum and aluminum productsAmusement park/recreation/clubaquacultureauto accessoriesAutomotive accessories – Air conditioning partsAutomotive Accessories – Car, Truck, and Motorcycle PartsAutomotive accessories – axle shaftAutomotive accessories – bearingsAutomotive accessories – brakesAutomotive accessories – bus bodyAutomotive accessories – Castings/ForgingsAutomotive […]
Research, Colorectal Surgeons, Innovative Techniques, Minimally Invasive, Postoperative Complications, Long-term Follow-up: Research proves the effectiveness of new techniques for rectal prolapse.pune news

PUNE: One night, while at work, Shantanu, a software professional, felt an excruciating pain in his lower abdomen. He ran into the bathroom, hoping for some relief. But to his surprise, he noticed something unusual. Part of his rectum had prolapsed and slipped out of his anus.Fearful and unsure of what was happening, he began […]
3 Things to Know About Colon Polyps > News > Yale Medicine

First, the polyp is removed. Therefore, if a person is pre-cancerous, the cancer will never develop. A colonoscopy is usually done under sedation and involves inserting a long, flexible tube through the anus and into the rectum and colon. This is the only screening test that allows removal of polyps identified during surgery. Doctors can […]
Study: Some gastrointestinal diseases are closely linked to dementia – Clinical Daily News

People with digestive problems should take extra care to prevent dementia, a new study warns. That’s because certain gastrointestinal problems are associated with dementia, and some have a higher risk of developing dementia than others. Clinicians know about diseases of the digestive system. Affect It alters the gut microbiota and affects gut metabolites associated with […]
Research, Colorectal Surgeons, Innovative Techniques, Minimally Invasive, Postoperative Complications, Long-term Follow-up: Research proves the effectiveness of new techniques for rectal prolapse.pune news

PUNE: Shantanu, a software professional, felt excruciating pain in his lower abdomen one night while working. He ran into the bathroom, hoping for some relief. But to his surprise, he noticed something unusual. Part of his rectum had prolapsed and slipped out of his anus. He was scared and didn’t know what was going on, […]
Does using a smartphone in the toilet cause hemorrhoids? | Lifestyle News

bring your smartphone Bathroom According to a gastroenterologist trained at Stanford University and Harvard University, focusing on the bathroom may not be such a wise idea. Dr. Saurabh Sethi said in a TikTok video that scrolling through social media while doing business can also cause hemorrhoids, which can have a big impact on your health. […]
Stocks & Stock Market News, Economic & Financial News, Sensex, Nifty, Global Markets, NSE, BSE Live IPO News

World Mental Health Day 2023: The global burden of mental health disorders Ahead of World Mental Health Day on October 10, know the data. In 2019, before the pandemic, an estimated 970 million people worldwide were living with a mental disorder. Worldwide, one in eight people lives with a mental health condition, yet countries spend […]
Dartmouth Health Physician Recognized as a Mentor by Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation | News Article

A medical resident at Dartmouth Health’s Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center (DHMC) was recently recognized for his efforts to improve the lives of patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Jamie M. Horrigan, M.D., chief resident in internal medicine, said: Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation New England Chapter As IBD’s 2023 Rising Community Leader. Mr. Horrigan was honored on […]
Maine researchers study whether broccoli sprouts can help prevent and treat inflammatory bowel disease – Maine News

Researchers at the University of Maine and their colleagues are studying whether broccoli sprouts can help prevent and treat inflammatory bowel disease in humans. Through multiple studies, Yanyang Li, assistant professor of human nutrition, said: Sue Ishak, assistant professor of animal and veterinary medicine; Researchers at other institutions will also study how human gut bacteria […]