Anatomy of the pelvic floor muscles

The pelvic floor muscles extend from the pubic bone to the coccyx on both sides. These muscles, often referred to as the core, maintain stability of the spine and support the organs located in the pelvis. Both men and women can suffer from pelvic floor dysfunction, which affects the bladder, vagina, prostate, and rectum, due […]
Can pelvic organ prolapse be a sign of cancer?

Pelvic organ prolapse, or the invasion of nearby organs into the vaginal canal, is the most frequent side effect of natural childbirth. But could pelvic organ prolapse be a sign of cancer? We checked in. Dr. O. Lenaine Westney, a reconstructive urologist who sometimes treats this condition. She specializes in the management of urinary incontinence […]
Pelvic vascular malformations and recurrent rectal prolapse in patients with Maffucci syndrome: challenges for diagnosis and treatment

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