Cureus Isolated perforation of multiple jejunal diverticula: a very rare cause of acute abdominal Solitary jejunal diverticulum (JD) perforation is extremely rare. It usually presents and is often discovered as a diagnostic dilemma. …6 days ago

Cureus Isolated perforation of multiple jejunal diverticula: a very rare cause of acute abdominal Solitary jejunal diverticulum (JD) perforation is extremely rare. It usually presents and is often discovered as a diagnostic dilemma. …6 days ago
Cureus Isolated perforation of multiple jejunal diverticula: a very rare cause of acute abdominal Solitary jejunal diverticulum (JD) perforation is extremely rare. It usually presents and is often discovered as a diagnostic dilemma. …1 day ago

Cureus Isolated perforation of multiple jejunal diverticula: a very rare cause of acute abdominal Solitary jejunal diverticulum (JD) perforation is extremely rare. It usually presents and is often discovered as a diagnostic dilemma. …1 day ago
Diagnostic Accuracy of Hyperbilirubinemia in Predicting Cureus Appendicitis and Appendiceal Perforation Background All diagnostic tools that can help identify appendicitis are of great importance to the emergency general surgeon.

Diagnostic Accuracy of Hyperbilirubinemia in Predicting Cureus Appendicitis and Appendiceal Perforation Background All diagnostic tools that can help identify appendicitis are of great importance to the emergency general surgeon.
Predictors of in-hospital appendiceal perforation in patients with non-perforated acute appendicitis with appendicolithiasis.

bookmark 1. In this retrospective study, patients who initially presented with acute appendicitis with appendicolithiasis were found to be more likely to have hospital stay, age 65 years or older or 18 to 25 years, hypertension at presentation, elevated body mass index, and hyponatremia. were all found to be predictive of nosocomial appendicitis. pierced. Evidence […]