Efficacy and safety of oral Euphorbia prostrata tablets and topical cream in hemorrhoid management during pregnancy: results of a prospective multicenter study

specialty Please chooseI’m not a medical professional.Allergy and immunologyanatomyanesthesiologyCardiac, thoracic, and vascular surgerycardiologyCritical caredentalDermatologyDiabetes and endocrinologyemergency medical careepidemiology and public healthRegular medicineForensic medicineDepartment of GastroenterologyGeneral medical treatmentgeneticsgeriatricsmedical policyHematologyHIV/AIDShospital-based medical careI’m not a medical professional.InfectionIntegrative medicine/complementary medicineInternal medicineInternal medicine/pediatricsMedical education and simulationmedical physicsmedical studentnephrologyneurosurgeryneurologynuclear medicinenutritionObstetrician and gynecologistoccupational healthoncologyOphthalmologyoptometryOral medicineorthopedic surgeryosteopathic medicineOtorhinolaryngologypain managementpalliative carePathologyPediatricspediatric surgeryPhysical therapy and […]
Best products for hemorrhoids during pregnancy 2024

Early pregnancy symptoms come and go. Morning sickness was great! — But as you enter your second or third trimester, you’ll start to experience new pregnancy symptoms, such as swelling and even congestion in your ankles and feet. Another unfortunate symptom that can appear around the second trimester? Hemorrhoids during pregnancy. Hemorrhoids are varicose veins […]
Cureus Diagnosis and Treatment of Metastatic Colon Cancer During Pregnancy that First Presented as Multiple Liver Masses: A Case …Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the second most common cancer in women in Japan. However, it is rare during pregnancy. 3 hours ago

Cureus Diagnosis and Treatment of Metastatic Colon Cancer During Pregnancy that First Presented as Multiple Liver Masses: A Case …Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the second most common cancer in women in Japan. However, it is rare during pregnancy. 3 hours ago
A party-loving student who thought she had “gained a little weight” after drinking alcohol first noticed her contractions when she went to the hospital for “appendicitis” (10 pregnancy tests were negative!).

The hard-partying student believed she had just “gained a little weight” after drinking “almost every night” during her university days, but had no idea she was pregnant until she suddenly gave birth. In August 2022, 20-year-old Niamh Khan’s life changed forever when she was hospitalized with suspected appendicitis and was discharged with her newborn baby. […]
CUREUS Diverticular abscess complicating pregnancy at 18 weeks of gestation in a 30-year-old woman: a case report The combination of pregnancy and diverticulitis is extremely rare, and the management of recurrent and complicated diverticulitis can be difficult.

CUREUS Diverticular abscess complicating pregnancy at 18 weeks of gestation in a 30-year-old woman: a case report The combination of pregnancy and diverticulitis is extremely rare, and the management of recurrent and complicated diverticulitis can be difficult.
Cureus Spontaneous hemoperitonitis during pregnancy: Spontaneous hemoperitonitis during pregnancy (SHiP), which masquerades as acute appendicitis, is a rare obstetric emergency that can have negative effects on the mother and baby. ..21 hours ago

Cureus Spontaneous hemoperitonitis during pregnancy: Spontaneous hemoperitonitis during pregnancy (SHiP), which masquerades as acute appendicitis, is a rare obstetric emergency that can have negative effects on the mother and baby. ..21 hours ago