Research suggests natural compound may hold promise as new alternative treatment for colon cancer

Schisandrin B inhibits the proliferation of human colon cancer cells. credit: ACS Pharmacology and Translational Science (2024). DOI: 10.1021/acsptsci.4c00009 A new study has found that a natural compound found in the fruit may be an effective alternative treatment for colon cancer. The disease, which affects the large intestine, remains a major global health concern and […]
Medriva Revolutionizing Pediatric Appendicitis Diagnosis: A Leap Forward to Precision Medicine Groundbreaking research in pediatric appendicitis by Asep Medical Holdings Inc. reveals how blood-based biomarkers can lead to rapid diagnosis. did. …18 hours ago

Medriva Revolutionizing Pediatric Appendicitis Diagnosis: A Leap Forward to Precision Medicine Groundbreaking research in pediatric appendicitis by Asep Medical Holdings Inc. reveals how blood-based biomarkers can lead to rapid diagnosis. did. …18 hours ago
Cureus Amyandohernia: Incarcerated Appendicitis in Recurrent Inguinal Hernias in Adults Inguinal hernias are one of the most common cases presented to surgeons.Despite extensive research and clinical experience…2 days ago

Cureus Amyandohernia: Incarcerated Appendicitis in Recurrent Inguinal Hernias in Adults Inguinal hernias are one of the most common cases presented to surgeons.Despite extensive research and clinical experience…2 days ago
Can Botox injections help patients? New research suggests Botox may help with fecal incontinence.

Researchers are testing rectal injections of Botox to see if it can help manage fecal incontinence in patients. So far, the results are promising. If future studies prove successful, doctors could offer patients new ways to manage this difficult-to-control condition.[] In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, researchers treated approximately 200 patients with fecal incontinence using […]
Research Shows Increased Risk of Cancer in Relatives of People with Leukemia

Relatives of patients with myelodysplastic tumors (MDS), acute myeloid leukemia (AML), or acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) are at increased risk of cancer, according to a study published in the February issue of the journal It was revealed. cancer epidemiology. Nikolaj Juul Nitschke and colleagues at Copenhagen University Hospital in Denmark used linked data from the […]
Switching to a vegan diet could save the NHS £6.7bn a year, new research reveals

New research by the Department of Health and Economic Affairs shows that adopting a 100% plant-based diet in England could lead to total savings in NHS healthcare costs of around £6.7bn. Authors Nadine Henderson and Chris Sampson use analysis based on economic models to estimate the prevalence of diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular […]
Research identifies promising treatment for advanced colorectal cancer

An international phase 3 clinical trial showed that patients with metastatic colorectal cancer who carry a rare genetic tumor mutation called KRAS G12C received a combination of the KRAS inhibitor sotorasib and the monoclonal antibody panitumumab compared to standard treatment. It was found that an excellent progression-free survival rate was achieved. City of Hope is […]
Cancer Network Evolving Colorectal Cancer Treatment Landscape Colorectal cancer experts discuss the impact of SUNLIGHT trial data on the overall treatment and research landscape. 2 weeks ago

Cancer Network Evolving Colorectal Cancer Treatment Landscape Colorectal cancer experts discuss the impact of SUNLIGHT trial data on the overall treatment and research landscape. 2 weeks ago
Research, Colorectal Surgeons, Innovative Techniques, Minimally Invasive, Postoperative Complications, Long-term Follow-up: Research proves the effectiveness of new techniques for rectal prolapse.pune news

PUNE: One night, while at work, Shantanu, a software professional, felt an excruciating pain in his lower abdomen. He ran into the bathroom, hoping for some relief. But to his surprise, he noticed something unusual. Part of his rectum had prolapsed and slipped out of his anus.Fearful and unsure of what was happening, he began […]
CureusBeyond the Horizon: Revealing the Frontiers of Rectal Cancer Research and Treatment Colorectal cancer ranks as one of the most common causes of cancer-related deaths and is a major health threat worldwide. There are growing concerns about the above.

CureusBeyond the Horizon: Revealing the Frontiers of Rectal Cancer Research and Treatment Colorectal cancer ranks as one of the most common causes of cancer-related deaths and is a major health threat worldwide. There are growing concerns about the above.