Advances in colorectal cancer research

alopecia asthma atopic dermatitis autoimmune biosimilar breast cancer COPD COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) cardiovascular bile duct cancer chronic kidney disease colorectal cancer DLBCL Dermatology Diabetes digital health Duchenne muscular dystrophy employer epilepsy gene therapy HIV heart failure hemophilia tumor immunology Infection inflammation leukemia and lymphoma liver lung cancer lupus major depressive disorder medicare multiple myeloma […]

Research, Colorectal Surgeons, Innovative Techniques, Minimally Invasive, Postoperative Complications, Long-term Follow-up: Research proves the effectiveness of new techniques for rectal prolapse.pune news

PUNE: Shantanu, a software professional, felt excruciating pain in his lower abdomen one night while working. He ran into the bathroom, hoping for some relief. But to his surprise, he noticed something unusual. Part of his rectum had prolapsed and slipped out of his anus. He was scared and didn’t know what was going on, […]

Three new grants power colorectal cancer research

A closer look at gene-environment interactions in CRC Peters and biostatistician Dr. Li Hsu also received a five-year, $4.4 million grant from the NCI to further investigate colorectal cancer risk. Last year, Peters’ team and collaborators published a study of 100 new genetic risk variants for the disease. they are going to investigate now Gene-environment […]

Research – New Indian Express

express news service BHUBANESWAR: Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) may not be a life-threatening disease, but it has a major impact on the healthcare system and society. A recent study conducted in Odisha found that the direct and indirect costs of moderate to severe irritable bowel syndrome are high, with the largest driver of direct costs […]