Postoperative Outcomes of Different Surgical Techniques in Cureus Hirschsprung’s Disease: Literature Review Hirschsprung’s disease (HD) is a rare disease affecting newborns, characterized by the absence of ganglion cells in the colon.

Postoperative Outcomes of Different Surgical Techniques in Cureus Hirschsprung’s Disease: Literature Review Hirschsprung’s disease (HD) is a rare disease affecting newborns, characterized by the absence of ganglion cells in the colon.
Medscape Reference Quick Review Quiz: Test your knowledge of the latest research on constipation, including new research on key interventions, causes, and diagnoses. March 20, 2023

Medscape Reference Quick Review Quiz: Test your knowledge of the latest research on constipation, including new research on key interventions, causes, and diagnoses. March 20, 2023
Cureus A systematic review on the efficacy and safety of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in gastrointestinal motility…Gastrointestinal motility disorders have been thought to occur due to an imbalance in gut-brain axis interactions. ..August 4, 2022

Cureus A systematic review on the efficacy and safety of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in gastrointestinal motility…Gastrointestinal motility disorders have been thought to occur due to an imbalance in gut-brain axis interactions. ..August 4, 2022
Surgery for simple and complex anal fistulas in adults: a review of the literature regarding optimal surgical outcomes.

specialty Please chooseI’m not a medical professional.Allergy and immunologyanatomyanesthesiologyCardiac, thoracic, and vascular surgerycardiologyCritical caredentalDermatologyDiabetes and endocrinologyemergency medical careepidemiology and public healthRegular medicineForensic medicineDepartment of GastroenterologyGeneral medical treatmentgeneticsgeriatricsmedical policyHematologyHIV/AIDShospital-based medical careI’m not a medical professional.InfectionIntegrative medicine/complementary medicineInternal medicineInternal medicine/pediatricsMedical education and simulationmedical physicsmedical studentnephrologyneurosurgeryneurologynuclear medicinenutritionObstetrician and gynecologistoccupational healthoncologyophthalmologyoptometryOral medicineorthopedic surgeryosteopathic medicineOtorhinolaryngologypain managementpalliative carePathologyPediatricspediatric surgeryPhysical therapy and […]
Surgery for simple and complex anal fistulas in adults: a review of the literature regarding optimal surgical outcomes.

specialty Please chooseI’m not a medical professional.Allergy and immunologyanatomyanesthesiologyCardiac, thoracic, and vascular surgerycardiologyCritical caredentalDermatologyDiabetes and endocrinologyemergency medical careepidemiology and public healthRegular medicineForensic medicineDepartment of GastroenterologyGeneral medical treatmentgeneticsgeriatricsmedical policyHematologyHIV/AIDShospital-based medical careI’m not a medical professional.InfectionIntegrative medicine/complementary medicineInternal medicineInternal medicine/pediatricsMedical education and simulationmedical physicsmedical studentnephrologyneurosurgeryneurologynuclear medicinenutritionObstetrician and gynecologistoccupational healthoncologyophthalmologyoptometryOral medicineorthopedic surgeryosteopathic medicineOtorhinolaryngologypain managementpalliative carePathologyPediatricspediatric surgeryPhysical therapy and […]