40% of risk of fatal bowel disease is inherited

register Listen to this article for free thank you. Listen to this article using the player above. ✖ Want to hear this article for free? Fill out the form below to unlock access to all audio articles. Researchers at the University of Queensland have used genetics to show that much of the risk of […]
Prevalence and associated risk factors of hemorrhoids in the general adult population in Mecca, Saudi Arabia

specialty Please chooseI’m not a medical professional.Allergy and immunologyanatomyanesthesiologyCardiac, thoracic, and vascular surgerycardiologyCritical caredentalDermatologyDiabetes and endocrinologyemergency medical careepidemiology and public healthRegular medicineForensic medicineDepartment of GastroenterologyGeneral medical treatmentgeneticsgeriatric medicinemedical policyHematologyHIV/AIDShospital-based medical careI’m not a medical professional.InfectionIntegrative medicine/complementary medicineInternal medicineInternal medicine/pediatricsMedical education and simulationmedical physicsmedical studentnephrologyneurosurgeryneurologynuclear medicinenutritionObstetrician and gynecologistoccupational healthoncologyophthalmologyoptometryOral medicineorthopedic surgeryosteopathic medicineOtorhinolaryngologypain managementpalliative carePathologyPediatricspediatric surgeryPhysical therapy […]
Do multivitamin supplements lower the risk of dying from colorectal cancer?

Top line: Moderate doses of multivitamin supplements appear to reduce the risk of both all-cause and cancer-related death in patients with the following diseases: colorectal cancer (CRC); However, high-dose multivitamin supplements may increase the risk of colorectal cancer-specific death. methodology: Some studies suggest that multivitamin supplements may increase the risk of colon cancer, and other […]
Results After Intrasphincteral Injection of Botulinum Toxin for the Treatment of Cureus Fissures Background Intrasphincteral injection of botulinum toxin is an alternative treatment for anal fissures and may have less risk of fecal contamination. …1 week ago

Results After Intrasphincteral Injection of Botulinum Toxin for the Treatment of Cureus Fissures Background Intrasphincteral injection of botulinum toxin is an alternative treatment for anal fissures and may have less risk of fecal contamination. …1 week ago
Results After Intrasphincteral Injection of Botulinum Toxin for the Treatment of Cureus Fissures Background Intrasphincteral injection of botulinum toxin is an alternative treatment for anal fissures and may have less risk of fecal contamination.

Results After Intrasphincteral Injection of Botulinum Toxin for the Treatment of Cureus Fissures Background Intrasphincteral injection of botulinum toxin is an alternative treatment for anal fissures and may have less risk of fecal contamination.
Results After Intrasphincteral Injection of Botulinum Toxin for the Treatment of Cureus Fissures Background Intrasphincteral injection of botulinum toxin is an alternative treatment for anal fissures and may have less risk of fecal contamination. …13 hours ago

Results After Intrasphincteral Injection of Botulinum Toxin for the Treatment of Cureus Fissures Background Intrasphincteral injection of botulinum toxin is an alternative treatment for anal fissures and may have less risk of fecal contamination. …13 hours ago
Increased risk of colorectal cancer across consecutive birth cohorts

colorectal cancer CRC epidemiology is being transformed by the birth cohort effect, also known as birth cohort CRC, an observed phenomenon of increased risk of colorectal cancer across generations for people born after 1960, according to a new narrative review. Birth cohort CRC is associated with increased rectal cancer ( colon cancer) diagnosis and distant-stage […]
Study links gut bacteria to precancerous growth, paving the way for microbial testing of colorectal cancer risk

SINGAPORE – A new study led by a team of local researchers has found that certain types of gut bacteria are associated with certain precancerous colorectal polyps. Polyps are growths on the lining of the colon that can become cancerous over time if not removed. This finding raises the possibility of using microbial testing kits […]
Inherited genes are associated with increased risk of intestinal diverticular disease

Researchers at the University of Queensland have used genetics to show that much of the risk of developing a common and sometimes fatal bowel disease is inherited. Dr Yeda Wu and Professor Naomi Ray from the UQ Institute of Molecular Biosciences are investigating the role of intestinal diverticular disease (DivD), an overlooked and under-studied disease […]
Research Shows Increased Risk of Cancer in Relatives of People with Leukemia

Relatives of patients with myelodysplastic tumors (MDS), acute myeloid leukemia (AML), or acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) are at increased risk of cancer, according to a study published in the February issue of the journal It was revealed. cancer epidemiology. Nikolaj Juul Nitschke and colleagues at Copenhagen University Hospital in Denmark used linked data from the […]