Anal sphincter function, anatomy, and complications

The anal sphincter is a group of muscles at the end of the rectum. The rectum is located in the last few inches of the large intestine (colon). The anal sphincter surrounds the anus and controls the release of stool, thereby maintaining incontinence. He has two muscles: the internal anal sphincter and the external anal […]

Perianal Ultrasonography (PAUS): Sphincter Visualization and Comparison with Digital Rectal Examination (DRE) in Women | BMC Women’s Health

In the 35 women who participated in this study, perianal ultrasound (PAUS) was a reliable means of diagnosing anorectal function and disorders. Reproducibility of PAUS volumes was good, allowing two independent examiners to perform her PAUS examination with similar her 3D/4D volumes. Her EAS and IAS sphincter thicknesses on PAUS showed differences between the 6 […]

Why and how to strengthen the anal sphincter

Exercises that strengthen and tighten the anal sphincter may help treat bowel incontinence (fecal incontinence) and can reduce the chance of leaking stool or gas in the future. The anal sphincter is made up of a thick band of muscle. It surrounds the anal entrance and can be opened and closed. The anal sphincter holds […]