New FIT stool test shows promise

Share on PinterestResearchers say a new stool test could reduce the number of people who need to undergo a colonoscopy to screen for colorectal cancer.Charles Gürn/Getty Images Colorectal cancer is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer in men and women in the United States, excluding skin cancer.. Colorectal cancer screening has reduced cancer incidence since […]
New stool test could detect signs sooner than current tests

Each year, nearly 2 million people are diagnosed with colorectal cancer and approximately 935,000 people die from colorectal cancer worldwide. Scientists have announced that they have developed a new stool test that is more effective at detecting colorectal cancer than similar tests currently on the market. A new stool test could help people be diagnosed […]
New stool test could detect more colon cancers sooner

By Carol Tanzer Miller HealthDay Reporter Monday, February 12, 2024 Dutch researchers have developed a new stool test that appears to be able to detect colon polyps more accurately than current tests. “Current tests work well, but there is still room for improvement,” said Dr. Gerrit Mayer, lead researcher at the Netherlands Cancer Institute in […]
Blood clots in the stool: causes, symptoms, diagnosis

Blood clots in the stool can have many different causes, some of which are more serious than others. Blood clots in the stool are always the result of gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding, but the bleeding can be from the upper GI tract (including the esophagus and stomach) or the lower GI tract (including the colon and […]
Why does bloody stool occur when constipated ?Description and treatment

Constipation and bloody stools can occur at the same time for various reasons. For most people, bloody stools can be caused by bowel problems, anal fissures, or hemorrhoids. Constipation is a condition in which bowel movements are infrequent and uncomfortable. Constipation occurs when small amounts of hard, dry stool are passed. three times a week. […]