New mom’s ‘severe hemorrhoids’ were a symptom of stage 3 colorectal cancer

Christina Kelly was pregnant with her second daughter in 2022 when she developed “severe symptoms.” hemorrhoids” I wasn’t too worried at first because I knew it was a common occurrence during pregnancy. When her symptoms did not subside several months after giving birth, she visited her doctor and ordered a colonoscopy. Kelly was stunned by […]
Pediatric anal self-cutting juvenile rectal polyps: considerations in the differential diagnosis of childhood rectal prolapse. The most common symptom is painless rectal bleeding (which can be severe), but prolapse of rectal polyps from the anus has been reported. …July 3, 2023

Pediatric anal self-cutting juvenile rectal polyps: considerations in the differential diagnosis of childhood rectal prolapse. The most common symptom is painless rectal bleeding (which can be severe), but prolapse of rectal polyps from the anus has been reported. …July 3, 2023
New mom’s ‘severe hemorrhoids’ were a symptom of stage 3 colorectal cancer

Christina Kelly was pregnant with her second daughter in 2022 when she developed “severe symptoms.” hemorrhoids” I wasn’t too worried at first because I knew it was a common occurrence during pregnancy. When her symptoms did not subside several months after giving birth, she visited her doctor and ordered a colonoscopy. Kelly was stunned by […]
New mom’s hemorrhoids were a symptom of stage 3 colorectal cancer

Christina Kelly was pregnant with her second daughter in 2022 when she developed “bad hemorrhoids.” She wasn’t too worried at first because she knew it was a common occurrence during pregnancy. When her symptoms did not subside several months after giving birth, she visited her doctor and ordered a colonoscopy. Kelly was stunned by the […]
High gastrointestinal symptom burden in Fabry disease unrelated to intestinal motility

A recent study showed that problems moving food through the gastrointestinal system were not the main cause of gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms in patients with Fabry disease. This condition, which affects a patient’s quality of life, can result from dysfunction of the nerve cells that control intestinal reflexes. the study, “Gastrointestinal sensory neuropathy and movement disorders […]