Horseshoe abscess as a rare complication after transanal hemorrhoid dearterialization with Cureus mucopexy: a case …Transanal hemorrhoid dearterialization (THD) is a minimally invasive surgery and symptomatic treatment. It is gaining popularity as …4 hours ago

Horseshoe abscess as a rare complication after transanal hemorrhoid dearterialization with Cureus mucopexy: a case …Transanal hemorrhoid dearterialization (THD) is a minimally invasive surgery and symptomatic treatment. It is gaining popularity as …4 hours ago
Eubiotic effects of rifaximin are associated with reduced abdominal pain in symptomatic uncomplicated diverticular disease: results of an observational cohort study | BMC Gastroenterology

To our knowledge, this study is the first to evaluate the long-term (i.e., 6 months) effects of rifaximin on the gut microbiota of SUDD patients. Here we show that rifaximin significantly reduced the severity of abdominal pain, which is consistent with previous studies. [9,10,11,12]. Treatment with rifaximin over 6 months was not associated with significant […]
Cureus Prevalence of hemorrhoids and its risk factors in the adult population of Jizan, Saudi Arabia Background: Hemorrhoids are defined as symptomatic enlargement and distal displacement of the normal anal cushion.

Cureus Prevalence of hemorrhoids and its risk factors in the adult population of Jizan, Saudi Arabia Background: Hemorrhoids are defined as symptomatic enlargement and distal displacement of the normal anal cushion.