A party-loving student who thought she had “gained a little weight” after drinking alcohol first noticed her contractions when she went to the hospital for “appendicitis” (10 pregnancy tests were negative!).

The hard-partying student believed she had just “gained a little weight” after drinking “almost every night” during her university days, but had no idea she was pregnant until she suddenly gave birth. In August 2022, 20-year-old Niamh Khan’s life changed forever when she was hospitalized with suspected appendicitis and was discharged with her newborn baby. […]
The man thought the pain was caused by a new exercise regimen. he had cancer.

When JJ Singleton noticed a throbbing pain in her abdomen in May 2015, she chalked it up to a torn muscle. After all, the 27-year-old’s goals for this year are: “Let’s get our lives together,” that’s how he started 2015. crossfit Train with your old soccer coach. singleton, Now 36, he told Business Insider that […]
Cureus A systematic review on the efficacy and safety of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in gastrointestinal motility…Gastrointestinal motility disorders have been thought to occur due to an imbalance in gut-brain axis interactions. ..August 4, 2022

Cureus A systematic review on the efficacy and safety of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in gastrointestinal motility…Gastrointestinal motility disorders have been thought to occur due to an imbalance in gut-brain axis interactions. ..August 4, 2022