First rectal cancer patient in Delaware receives new radiation-free treatment

September 16, 2023 John Taylor is a man who fixes things. The 63-year-old has had a long career in maintenance and uses his know-how to help others. But his rectal cancer diagnosis left him incurable. “My most important job is to take care of my wife, Sharon, who has Parkinson’s disease,” Taylor said. “I couldn’t […]

Treatment of appendicitis. . .and other stories

Long-term outcome of medically treated acute appendicitis A follow-up study of a Swedish clinical trial comparing surgery and antibiotic treatment for acute appendicitis succeeded in following up 90% of participants after 20 years. Although the incidence of appendectomies after 1 year was lower in the drug-treated group, appendectomies continued to occur throughout the follow-up period. […]

Foods to eat with diverticulitis: treatment and prevention

What you eat can play a role in both preventing diverticular disease and treating recurrence of diverticular disease. diverticulitis. Diverticular disease causes small bulges or sacs called diverticula to develop in the large intestine (colon). There may be no symptoms. When diverticula become infected or inflamed, the condition is called diverticulitis. Recommended diets vary depending […]

Cureus Diverticular disease and diverticulitis: epidemiology, pathophysiology, and current treatment trends Diverticular disease is a common surgical condition, especially in Western countries.Its existence is well known in Asian countries…August 8, 2023

Cureus Diverticular disease and diverticulitis: epidemiology, pathophysiology, and current treatment trends Diverticular disease is a common surgical condition, especially in Western countries.Its existence is well known in Asian countries…August 8, 2023

Motixafortide shows efficacy as primary treatment for pancreatic cancer in phase 2 trial

Pancreas image | Image credit: © Лилия Захарчук – Motixafortide, a CXC4 inhibitor, when combined with the PD-1 inhibitor cemiplimab and the standard of care (SoC) chemotherapy treatment gemcitabine and nab-paclitaxel (MCGN) Phase 2 Data from the CheMo4METPANC trial (NCT04543071) showed some positive results against (mPDAC). This data, presented as an abstract as part […]

How Black Men Living with HIV and Anal Cancer Get the Best Treatment

There may also be practical issues such as transportation. This can be especially problematic if you live far from major medical centers and rely on public transportation. The standard treatment for early stages of anal cancer is a daily combination of radiation therapy and chemotherapy, but some people have difficulty incorporating it into their daily […]

Diverticulitis symptoms: back pain and treatment

Low back pain is not a common symptom of simple diverticulitis. If you have diverticulitis and are experiencing lower back pain, it may be due to another cause or you may be experiencing complications. As we get older, diverticular disease becomes more common. “Diverticulosis” is a term used to describe cases where there are diverticula […]

Hemorrhoid treatment plan – 12 ways to cure hemorrhoids

If you are experiencing the symptoms of painful hemorrhoids, you probably want to know how to get rid of them fast. After all, problems associated with hemorrhoids (also known as anal fistulas) are near the top of the list of annoying health problems. And although many of us don’t want to talk about them, they […]