Causes, symptoms, and treatments for hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are a common but often misunderstood condition, affecting approximately 1 in 20 people in the United States. Although this disease is not life-threatening, it can significantly impact an individual’s quality of life as it causes pain and discomfort. This article aims to shed light on the causes, symptoms, and treatments for hemorrhoids, and provide […]
Why do hemorrhoids occur? What you need to know about causes and treatments.

Q: I have developed hemorrhoids. What exactly are they and how can I avoid getting them again? answer: Anyone can have hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are a normal part of our body. Hemorrhoids are simply cushions of veins along the top and bottom of the anal canal, a short tunnel that connects the rectum and anus. They’re […]
Hemorrhoids – symptoms, types, treatments

Understanding Hemorrhoids: Symptoms and Treatments Hemorrhoids, colloquially known as “piles,” are a common but often misunderstood health problem. These swollen blood vessels, which resemble varicose veins, can occur in the anus and rectum. There are two different types of hemorrhoids: external hemorrhoids and internal hemorrhoids, which are classified according to their position relative to the […]
Links, causes, symptoms and treatments

Diarrhea and heartburn are two gastrointestinal symptoms. People with certain gastrointestinal disorders are more likely than others to experience both heartburn and diarrhea. One cause of chronic heartburn is a condition called gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Additionally, people who frequently experience diarrhea may have a condition called irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). IBS causes changes in […]
Comparison of different surgical treatments for Cureus complex anal fistulas: a systematic review Intraanal anal fistulas are a common anal disease that mainly affects young people and leads to chronic morbidity.What is hemorrhoid fistula…August 23, 2022

Comparison of different surgical treatments for Cureus complex anal fistulas: a systematic review Intraanal anal fistulas are a common anal disease that mainly affects young people and leads to chronic morbidity.What is hemorrhoid fistula…August 23, 2022
A combination that beats standard treatments for metastatic colorectal cancer

October 23, 2023 2 minute read Add topics to email alerts Receive an email when a new article is posted Enter your email address to receive emails when new articles are posted. . ” data-action=”subscribe”> Subscribe Your request could not be processed. Please try again later. If you continue to experience […]
7 causes and their treatments

A variety of factors can cause one or more bumps to develop on the anus. These include fissures, hemorrhoids, skin tags, etc. The anus is the end of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. This is where stool leaves the body. Some people may wish to better understand their symptoms by touching the anus and surrounding area. […]
Straining during defecation: risks, causes, and treatments

Straining may occur during defecation. However, constant straining during bowel movements can damage the rectum and lead to several health conditions. When a person becomes constipated, straining occurs. People can develop constipation for several reasons, including lifestyle behaviors, certain medical conditions, and medications. There are certain steps you can take to reduce straining discomfort. This […]
Symptoms, causes, and treatments for prolapsed hemorrhoids

A prolapsed hemorrhoid is a swollen vein inside the rectum that suddenly protrudes outside the anus (prolapse). These are different from external hemorrhoids, which develop on or around the skin of the anus, and internal hemorrhoids, which remain inside the rectum. Prolapsed hemorrhoids are usually not painful, but they can cause bleeding, itching, and discomfort, […]
Symptoms, causes, and treatments – Forbes Health

Hemorrhoids are common, don’t usually cause symptoms, and few people need treatment, Dr. Robbins said. People who need treatment can usually be treated without the need for invasive procedures or surgery, she added. According to Dr. Robbins, treating hemorrhoids may: Diet and lifestyle This is the main treatment for hemorrhoids. “There is good evidence from […]