Recovery from fistula surgery takes time. After this type of outpatient surgery, you will need to rest before returning to your normal activities.

Although fistulas can occur anywhere in the body, most fistula surgeries remove fistulas in the anus and rectum.

Fistula surgery involves removing the abnormal tissue connections and sometimes the area around them. The most common types of fistula surgery are fistulectomy, which is an outpatient surgery that removes just the fistula, and fistulectomy, which is a more complex surgery that removes the entire area affected by the fistula.

A fistula is a tunnel or mass of tissue that affects two structures in the body.It can affect most areas of the body, but one of them is very common The location is the anus. This can affect function, cause pain and constipation, and lead to infection. When the external hole in the fistula closes, a painful, swollen, pus-filled abscess may form.

Fistulas often occur after anal or rectal surgery. Infections that form abscesses can also cause fistulas, especially after surgery. Cancer, rectal foreign bodies, radiation therapy, and inflammatory bowel disease may also increase risk.

Fistulas cannot be cured with medication or lifestyle changes.What is surgery? The usual need.

Surgical treatment is very effective in managing fistulas. The appropriate surgery depends on the type of fistula a person has.

of very common The type of fistula is an intersphincteric fistula. This is a fistula that begins between the internal and external anal sphincters and opens at or near the outside of the anus. A person may see or feel this type of fistula. Types of fistula surgery include:

  • Seat drain arrangement: Seat and drain helps drain infections.This might be reduce risk It can prevent the development of fistulas or, if you already have one, delay the need for more invasive surgery.
  • Fistulotomy: Fistulotomy is a procedure in which the connecting tissue that forms the fistula is cut. In many cases, your doctor can perform this procedure on an outpatient basis and you do not need to be hospitalized.
  • Fistulectomy: Fistulectomy involves removing the tissue tube containing the fistula and the fistula tube itself, rather than simply cutting the connection between the two tubes.take a pose higher risk Doctors must make an incision through the affected organ (usually the anus) as well as through the bands of tissue that connect the organs, increasing the risk of complications.

Recovery time for fistula surgery depends on the type of surgery you have, your overall health, whether you have an infection, and the skill of your surgeon. Success rates also vary and can affect how quickly a person feels better.

For example, an older 2013 study of people who underwent fistulotomy found that the overall success rate was 93% 11 months after surgery. In the same study, 20% experienced decreased self-control after surgery. Delayed referral to surgery increased the risk of incontinence and increased the risk of surgical failure due to secondary growth of the fistula.

When fistulotomy is performed, The usual I will go home the same day. You may experience some pain and drainage from the wound, but you should be able to return to work within 1 to 2 days. Doctors usually recommend avoiding heavy lifting and sexual activity for several weeks.

Fistulectomy requires general anesthesia, which increases recovery time. This means you will need to undergo treatment in the hospital and may need to stay overnight for observation. This type of surgery carries a higher risk of infection and incontinence. It may take several weeks to feel better, and you may need to take a few days off work and stay home.

Once fully recovered, the fistula will almost always heal and there will be no longer any lasting problems such as incontinence. However, if there are surgical complications, additional treatment or further surgery may be required.

Strategies to reduce your risk of pain, infection, and other problems include:

  • Discuss recovery time and other precautions with your surgeon.
  • Please rest after the procedure, especially if anesthesia is required.
  • Ask your doctor if a less invasive procedure, such as fistulectomy, is an alternative to fistulectomy.
  • Ask your doctor about his experience with fistula surgery and complication rates.

What is Sea Ton Drain? can help heal anal fistula. Some fistula surgeries require the placement of such a drain to remove pus and other fluids from infection and allow the fistula to heal.

There may be some spotting and bleeding for 1 to 2 days after the procedure, and pain may continue for 1 to 2 weeks. In most cases, you can return to work the day after surgery if you feel better.

There is a small risk of incontinence, infection, and other complications. Anyone who notices pain, bleeding, or a foul odor should seek medical attention immediately. Constipation increases your risk of complications, so it’s important to eat plenty of fiber and stay hydrated.

An older study from 2012 of 53 seated drain recipients found that 3.8% Incontinence and fistula recurrence rates are 6.5%. The recurrence rate for horseshoe fistulas was much higher at 57.1%. In this study, a seat-and-drain was performed to drain the fistula in stages over time.

Seat drain can be permanent or temporary.

If a seton is obtained as part of a fistula incision or as a stand-alone surgery, scar tissue may form around the seton. The surgeon may need to cut out this scar tissue or perform a second surgery.

Fistulectomy or fistulotomy can also cause scarring. In most cases, scars are not a problem, but some people may experience pain or tenderness at the scar site. If you feel uncomfortable with the scar tissue or notice a large lump at the surgical site, you should consult your doctor.

The scar from fistula surgery continues to drain after surgery, especially if a seat drain is used. This drainage is important and helps remove infections from the body.

Consult your doctor for proper wound care. Your doctor may recommend applying a sterile dressing, washing the wound, or applying cream to the wound. Be sure to consult your doctor.

Here are some tips to help you recover from fistula surgery.

  • Avoid sexual intercourse or insertion of anything into the rectum or vagina until your doctor says it is safe.
  • Please consult a doctor after the procedure. Most health care providers will schedule a visit a few weeks after surgery to make sure healing is progressing well.
  • Drink plenty of water to reduce your risk of constipation and keep your stools soft.
  • Ask your doctor when to go to the hospital or for follow-up. In most cases, fever, increased bleeding, increased pain, or pus from the wound can warn of infection.
  • Avoid constipation by eating foods high in fiber and taking stool softeners.

Fistulas can be painful and frightening, and can affect your daily life, especially if you have difficulty using the toilet. It is important to work with a surgeon who has extensive experience treating fistulas and ask questions about the surgical treatment options that best meet your personal health goals.

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