There are exercises that can relieve the pain of hemorrhoids. These exercises, on the other hand, can cause pain and irritation and worsen existing hemorrhoid symptoms. Strenuous exercise or lifting heavy objects can cause hemorrhoids to swell and worsen symptoms.

However, inactivity can also make the situation worse. In fact, frequent physical activity may keep your intestines working well and reduce pain. Correct training will help increase blood circulation and strengthen the pelvic and abdominal muscles.

Exercises to cure hemorrhoids

Although there are several treatments available, exercise is particularly effective in reducing hemorrhoid symptoms. Exercises for hemorrhoids, in addition to promoting blood circulation and reducing constipation, the main cause of hemorrhoids, strengthen the pelvic muscles and reduce strain on the veins.

In general, the following exercises are considered good for managing and preventing hemorrhoids:

1) Walk fast

Brisk walking is recommended for people with hemorrhoids.  (Image via Unsplash/Emma Simpson)
Brisk walking is recommended for people with hemorrhoids. (Image via Unsplash/Emma Simpson)

Walking briskly for 20 to 30 minutes a day is one of the simplest things you can do to reduce hemorrhoid symptoms. First, take a slow walk to warm up. After a few minutes, increase the speed to increase your heart rate and increase blood circulation throughout your body.

Remember that walking is more upright than sitting on the couch, since the goal is to increase blood circulation to the pelvic area.

2) Kegel exercises for hemorrhoids

Kegels are good for hemorrhoids.  (Image via Pexels/Cliff Booth)
Kegels are good for hemorrhoids. (Image via Pexels/Cliff Booth)

Kegel exercises, also known as pelvic exercises, improve blood circulation and increase the strength of the pelvic muscles. It also helps prevent hemorrhoids by increasing blood flow to the anal area.

Strong anal muscles help keep internal hemorrhoids in place and prevent existing hemorrhoids from growing or popping out. Additionally, Kegel exercises can help limit leakage and tighten the tissue around trouble areas of hemorrhoids.

A simple contraction of the pelvic muscles is the most basic Kegel exercise. Just like when you feel the urge to urinate, squeeze and hold the same motion for 5 seconds. Release and relax for 5 seconds. Do this 3 times a day, 10 times per session.

3) Aerobic exercise for hemorrhoids

Aerobic exercise can help relieve pain.  (Image via Pexels/Anna Shvets)
Aerobic exercise can help relieve pain. (Image via Pexels/Anna Shvets)

Aerobic exercise is great for relieving hemorrhoid symptoms because it increases blood flow and relieves tense lower body muscles. Regular cardio exercise, whether aerobic or other exercise, increases blood circulation throughout the body, not just the pelvic/anal area.

Additionally, increasing your aerobic exercise will make you sweat more and drink more water. Aerobic exercise can also help prevent constipation, which is one of the main causes of hemorrhoids. Running, swimming, spinning/cycling, dancing, and aerobics classes are some of the best aerobic exercises.

General tips for people with hemorrhoids

Before you start any exercise for hemorrhoids, be sure to warm up thoroughly. This reduces the chance of injury and prepares the muscles. Drinking plenty of water is not only beneficial to your overall health, but also helps avoid constipation, a common cause of hemorrhoids.

If you experience pain or discomfort, stop exercising and consult a medical professional. Exercising too strenuously for you can make your hemorrhoids worse, so customize your plan to suit your needs.

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